Sep 27, 2004 21:21

Dude yo! Last Friday was the shiznite!!
OK so I went to the foreverDOWN concert with Nick and chris at under the couch on GT campus. Well also playing was Alex Watson so that was pimp like a monkey! Nneways! So before the show, we go and buy the new ALex Watson cd for like $5.00 and I got to talk to Alex and everything and it was awesome. He was so funny and I could tell he was a cool person.

Well any-whoo the concert started! and up first was Steven Campbell or Tommy Campbell, i cant remember! but yeah, his partner broke a string and so he got onto his guitar and hooked this harmonica up to his head, and started playing the harmonica and guitar at the same time!! IT WAS SO PIMP!! he was groovy man! after that the other guitarist fixed his string and they finished. OMG the way they played was so aweseome and fast and purdy! i was very impressed!!

Next up was CASEY BRITT OF foreverDOWN! yay!! OMG he was sooo hott!! he is the definition of my turn-on boy! i know hes like 22 but still! you'd be drooling too! But yeah, he's thin as a rail, tall, with dyed black hair (a patch of blonde on one side but he pulls it off soooooooo well), blue eyes, WEARING GIRL PANTS!!, and sings/plays the guitar! i mean he was like WABAM! HOT! absolute turn-on, makes you want to do him then and there, SEXY! ::lol:: maybe its just me haha. anyways he was up next and i will tell you, this boy can SING! i mean not screamo, i mean SING SING. like the kinda sing you hear from pop singers but emo-twisted!! ::lol:: he was emo-licious!! haha!! but yeah he broke a string too so he had to improvise with Steve Campbell's guitar while Alex fixed his. He still did an amazing job though! 10 POINTS!! haha

After Casey was Alex. now ive never heard Alex play before, but after he strung the first chord, I was hooked!! he is such an amazing guitarist! luckily for him he didnt break a string ::lol:: i swear it was like everyone was in a trance while he played (well chris fidgited the whole time so you can count him out ::lol::) and after he was done, everyone gave HUGE APPLAUSE!! it was so awesome! i loved every bit of it!!

Anyways, after the concert, I got Alex to sign my new cd, sticker, and pants! it was soo cool! and on the cd, he wrote me a little message that said, "Jackie. Thanks so much! stay in touch! you're awesome! <3 Alex" yay! i felt loved! ::lol:: and then i got casey to sign my pants too and my converses as well! he was like, "Do you have my cd?" and I said "Yeah! it's at my house! i would have talked to you before the show, but i was too shy and embarrassed!" and he had the most shocked and flattered look on his face! it was soo cute! -^_^- haha

I had a great time! and i hope to be able to see them again soon! well i gotta jett. More later...

-Lovz-Jackie-Rabbitt- =^_^=
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