The last few weeks have been ones of realizations--some good, some very bad, and all just necessary. It's taken a lot out of me, and while I don't get into it on here, I know that some of you have noted my manic-ness and overall malaise. I notice it, too, and wanted a weekend of just not.
So, Thudd and I had a weekend dedicated to our home-ish hobbies. Which, of course, means:
Thadd spent Saturday baking bread in his clay oven (ciabatta--YUMMY!):
Bread oven
Results of bread oven + Thadd + weekend at home = Ciabatta!!!
I, meanwhile, concentrated on wild foods. I made a salad of harvested dandelion greens, along with dandelion-flower fritters; but, I didn't get any pics. I also boiled up a few mulberry shoots to try, and wow, tasty!! I'll be making more of those! Along with this, I cooked squirrel stuffed with wild mushrooms, red onions, various spices, and bacon and transplanted some flowers. What I *did* get pics of were the candied wild violet flowers I made:
Pretty, aren't they? They also taste great alone or on salads.
When the bread was done baking, I prepared some garlic in one of the large, clay pots, and Thadd put it into the outdoor earth oven. An hour or so later:
Really, there isn't much that is better than fresh roasted garlic on fresh-baked bread.
Sunday we wandered through the woods looking for more wild foods, but it turns out it's still a bit early. We'll try again in a few weeks. To make up for it, I put together a
bento lunch for the Thudd.
In between the foody madness, we had more foody madness with Naimomo and friends for brunch, did a good bit of reading, and laid in the sun soaking up the late-afternoon warmth for a bit.
All and all, a Good Weekend. I needed this.