Cupboards are one of the Banes of My Existence. I can never keep them organized, and often end up dodging an avalanche of pans, lids, or other sundries when trying to find something. My cupboards have been steadily getting worse of late, and I finally gave up and decided to reorganize the two worst of them today: the Tuppeware Cabinet of Doom and the Pots and Glass Bowls Cabinet In the Pit Of Hell.
I managed to do both without any significant injury, and found my metal measuring cup in the process. I also found, unfortunately, that the lid to my mini food processor is still MIA. The device cannot be used without the lid, so unless I find it soon, I'll end up tossing the whole thing.
In that vein, I am going to be tossing a variety of things to the curb. Well, into the yard anyway.
rosewalker and I have decided to do a yard sale sometime in mid-May. We all have stuff to get rid of, including clothes, shoes, knick-knacks, and lord only knows what else. I'll announce the date sometime next week, along with a running list of the larger items. SCA clothing is also a very distinct possibility.
Back to the cupboards... I tossed a bunch of Gladware lids that I no longer had tubs for. How do I always end up with a ton of lids and no tubs? Is there a Gladware Tub Gnome, employed by Glad, that steals your tubs so you have to buy new sets? Will they all be found someday along with single socks and ball-point pens? Regardless, the lids weren't doing me any good; so, out they went. I found all my bento stuff, much of which I gave up on gathering together last week, and put it all into one place. Yay, I can start doing Bentos again!
The rest of the day is being spent checking out henna venues, and probably going to the gym. I'll have to go light on that given my current lack of caloric intake, but I seriously need to go. I've not been since we went to VA for a variety of reasons (and by reasons, I mean excuses). My nose is healed enough to go swimming, so that is what I'll likely do.
Oh, yeah. Did I mention I got my nose pierced a while ago?
Vienna Teng is coming to the Arc next week, and I can't go. Tickets are just more than I can swing right now. I am so bummed. As bummed, actually, as I am about missing Loreena McKennit later this month. Those tickets are $45-85/each. OUCH! Instead, I am listening to everything by both of them on my iPod today. It's a poor second, I know, but then again it means I won't be out the cash. So, I'll take it for now.