This is probably my first public entry in a decade. (\XD/) Who remembers the infamous Tsubasa archery thing on Hey!x3? I uploaded the entire thing because I wanted to test out a new host. Screw megaupload. D: 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 480 ~ 570 MB ~ 37 min.
Serenade Performance x Shot Put x Archery x Badminton
I think I got it from
here, but I don't remember exactly. My files are a mess. Anyway, enjoy. 8D! I'll be uploading a lot more random T&T files because Youtube deleted all the funny T&T stuff. X0 (Uploading this onto Youtube would be useless; they'll delete it)
Everything will be hosted on MEDIAFIRE because although people have been uploading a lot of cool T&T stuff, it'll die if people don't download in a while. Which is why I'll probably be posting the same things. Sorry about that. @_@
Comments are loved. ♥ Don't distribute the link, BECAUSE I'LL KNOW. X/ But you can link to this entry and stuff. Yeah. I'll sthu now.
x-posted to T&T comms and JE upload comms.