Mar 03, 2011 21:43
I think I am really bored at school. Employee manage is uninteresting. I learn nothing new or mind blowing worthy there. Everything that she says is so commonsencical plus she uses the SAME company as examply week after week. I mean, move on already woman, need FRESH examples? Introduction to Narrative is sort of just logical thinking as well. I mean you get to learn new terms but you can generally get by without studying and going for tutorials yet still being able to answer his questions. Plus, its examples from same movies again and again. The only modules where I get so WOAHHHHed are probably my sociology modules. Thank god I picked Sociology from the social sciences as my major.
Like the other day, I learnt what a genius Max Weber was. His theory about Spirit of Capitalism and the Protestant Ethic just REALLY MADE SENSE. And Karl Marx theories too. Like, I can really see how it is applicable to society. How everything is relational, how social structures shape society, how economic structures shape social structures, how ideologies, cultures, media and even food and emotions are influential in the shaping of society. So awesome and mind blowing what I am learning seriously. The rest of the modules are kind of really boring and intellectually unstimulating. Even my geography module on tourism is interesting. Hence my conclusion, arts modules are way more interesting. When I took science modules, I really felt like sleeping learning about AIDS and neurones and genes. I think its cause we are just learning routine stuff, you dont get to think and understand and its not really applicable to you in everyday life. Like yes I know about genes, but you dont get to see it more obviously in terms of like revolutions, economic situations, political disagreements, even movies and celebrity news. I mean, I still feel tired in lectures but it is not the kind of have to resist so damn hard to try and keep eyes open kind of sleepy. Boring modules tend to do that to you I guess.
Anyway, there is a 3month holiday coming up and I have no idea what to do. I don't really want to do a local internship, it's just too unappealing to me. Summer programes are just too expensive. I would feel horrible if I had to ask my parents to chalk up 7k for me just to study caue I really don't have that much money. I was thinking going for abroad internships? I really want to see the world. The thing is I have applied for a few, those volunteer ones where you get to help people in third world countries and stuff like that. It's cheaper, for a shorter duration, but I just need to be able to convince my parents, plus Im not sure if its safe. I should go for these internships right? Anyone wants to come along for these global internships?