one step closer to you chap7

Aug 13, 2012 20:13

Title: One Step Closer to You
Pairings: Yama,  Junba, Ohba (friends), Sakumoto(friends)
Genre: smut, humor, romance
Rating: NC-17
disclaimer: if they were mine i wouldnt be typing stories about them in bed instead i would be posting videos of it 
Note: special thanks  baboy_19 who helped me come up with the genres when i had no idea what to write
Summary:  when ( Read more... )

p*: yama, p*: junba, c*: ohno satoshi, g*:romance, t*: one step closer to you, l*: multi, fanfic, g*: fluff, c*:sakurai sho, g*: drama, g*:angst, r*: pg-13, c*: aiba masaki, g*: humor

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baboy_19 August 14 2012, 01:23:16 UTC
ara~~ Arigatou desu~~~ hehe..
♡~(´ε` )


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 01:41:41 UTC
He really did shout Sho's name out loud!!! XD wahahaha..and Satoshi leaving the ro0m without his pants.. hahahahahahah!!!! cute flustered satoshi..and ehem ehem...they're going back to Sho's place..go0d thing he's not drunk (eerr they didn't drink anyways),,
now I feel like going to an amusement park...I just need to get me a Satoshi as a date.. XD


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 01:56:23 UTC
yay! *hugs!*

well i promised didnt i ^^

and the sad part is that aiba let him do it

yeah the last time went so well didnt it ^^;

i havent been to an amusement park in nine years but having satoshi as a date might be fun although we both probably will be screaming on the roller coaster together lol
thanks for reading~!


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 02:25:22 UTC
lol me to0..well I haven't been for atleast 2-3 years? lol..9 years is waaaay to0o0o long!!! D:
going to an amusement and riding roller coaster with satoshi must be fun ne..tho he wouldn't be able to drag me to a hunted house.. XD he'll have to make a sexy excuse for me to come with him in there..but still there's a zero chance of me going in..


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 02:53:33 UTC
well my mother would never ride with me so i said forget it after three years of trying

i will probably drag anyone in with me.
i did that to my bf and he latched himself onto me as i pushed him through laughing at him. it's funny seeing a 6'3'' 235 lb football player scream and cry and at one part he fell and i cried laughing
he hated me forever for that lol


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 20:23:51 UTC
lol go with friends.. XD I can't really go on hunted houses..I'm gonna start crying and freaking out at the entrance.. XD


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 21:21:09 UTC
i was going to but everyone ditched me for candy ( -_-)
i dont know why but i dont find it to be scary, now if they had bugs i wont even panic or anything you'll just see that i have magically disappeared


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 21:34:59 UTC
lol a Candy? That must be s very special candy...
lol a tear is threatening to fall when they force me to go so they stopped.. XD but you can easily drag to a roller coaster with 3 lo0ps.. XD hahaha just hate the lo0o0o0ong line....


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 21:50:10 UTC
it was Halloween and they wanted to go trick-or-treating at the last minute.

i'm terrified of heights, and falling so when i drop i feel like i'm gonna die.
i cant be upside down or go too fast one time i hit my head on the safety bar and was passed out for the whole ride, sadly i was four or five

i cant even ride a ferris wheel its too shaky for me i just cant do it


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 22:10:04 UTC
oh you can't even ride a Gondola then? teehee..we're oposite then...I can't stand hunted house and I love roller coasters and you're the reciprocal.. XD


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 22:15:40 UTC
yup pretty much, heights, spiders/bugs, and falling are my only fears

but dark places and people screaming at you from around the corner or someone grabbing you out of nowhere makes me laugh especially since i always accidentally punch the dude that grabs people ( i cant stand being touched, so reflex)


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 22:24:23 UTC
HAHA!! well I gotta agree with bugs and creepers..
tho I need to hold a handle when going down the stairs..hahaha..and well I need to sleep in total darkness.. XD but can't stand scary movies and hunted houses...


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 23:27:14 UTC
when i see a spider or bug i just back away slowly and then run as fast as i can and no one will even notice i'm gone

i have to hold onto the handle because i'm so clumsy that i will skip a step and fall

i cant sleep in the dark because my mind starts wandering

i cant watch a horror movie in the dark because someone always comes in my room and i freak out


baboy_19 August 14 2012, 23:30:30 UTC
hahaha u're funny...
lol same, being a tennen can be tough actually happend that I tripped walking ("WALKING") down the stairs and missed a step and sprained..
I can't even watch Gantz coz it's kinda eerrr not scary but super suspense that I'd scream and have my mom panicked going to my ro0m..


shuuyushuu August 14 2012, 23:43:17 UTC
i trip over my feet just walking luckily i just cover it up pretending i did nothing and keep walking and no one notices until i say something

my mom has a bad habit of touching my shoulder (i just CAN'T stand being touched). i was sitting in the dark listening to music and she touched me and i screamed and tried to jump up but fell down tripping over my dog


baboy_19 August 15 2012, 00:18:43 UTC

OMG lol..
I'm usual go0d with skinship but never ever ever touch my face....I just hated it..


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