Title: Model for Me Baby Pairings: sakuraiba, juntoshi Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Smut, showbiz, Angst, Cross dressing summary: when aiba masaki, a gorgeous young man visits his friend he earns a job as a model and met his favorite idol, whom he has a crush on. however there's a downside. one his favorite idol is a jerk and two he has to pose as a female model
He had no communication with Sho for a week and his performance was today. He left whatever personal issues and emotions he had and went into his performance mode. He quickly changed his outfit. The staff was rushing around while Masaki was tuning them out focusing on his moves. When it was time for him to go on stage he just went out there.
He didn’t notice but Ohno, Jun and surprisingly Sho was all in the audience. Masaki's character was a beautiful man who struggled to prove people he was more than his face. His character finds a woman who struggled with her rough attitude and was in need of someone to understand her. Masaki wanted this role so bad because it felt like it described him perfectly. Sho who was watching was stunned. He watched how Masaki's body moved, graceful, yet it still contained his masculinity. He never once took his eyes off Masaki. He watched his body move.
The expressions on his face that ranged from rage, sadness, joy, feelings of success, despair and distress all these emotions he could tell as an actor that they were real. Sho watched as Masaki used the show to express what he was feeling not what the descriptions that were given to describe the role. The tears he cried were real; the fear on his face was pure as the anger lit on his face. Sho stood there and felt his heart stop as his lips parted being amazed at Masaki's display.
When the show ended. The three men walked backstage to see Masaki crying in the corner. “Macchan?” Ohno called to the younger. Masaki looked up and Sho's heart jerked as he noticed the younger was gazing right at him. “Macchan what’s wrong?” Ohno called out to the younger. “oh-chan” the younger still sobbed when Ohno knelt down and rubbed his back “tell me what’s wrong.” Ohno said as Jun walked over.
Becky and Nino stood off to the side not knowing what to say. “I can't….I can't do it” he cried into the others arms. “Can’t do what?” Jun asked. “I can't be strong.” He cried “I can't be strong no matter how hard I try. I give up, I just can't do it anymore.” His lip quivered as he hugged Ohno tight. “Come on let’s go out okay. You can drink all you want.” Ohno said and Masaki just looked at him and gave him a pained smile.
As promised Jun and Ohno dragged Masaki and Sho with them to a club. This time Sho didn’t drink anything but water and tea. However Masaki on the other hand drank like crazy yet he didn’t seem to be the at least affected. “You okay?” Sho asked and Masaki just looked at him. “Hmph!” he drank another shot.
“If I was okay do you think I would be drinking like this?” he slurred waving his glass in Sho's face. Sho snatched his arm “I’m taking you home.” Sho stood up dragging Masaki up with him. Masaki was obediently following Sho into his car. He drove to his home since he wasn't going to feel like driving to Masaki's place and back to his own. He let Masaki in and told him to go to sleep in his bed. He had planned on sleeping on the couch.
When he had sat down he remembered Masaki's crying face and he felt like crying as well. He heard Masaki crying again in the other room. He got up and walked to his bedroom. He opened the door to see Masaki crying. But what shocked him was the scene of Masaki feeling on himself while he laid on his side curled up. “Aiba-chan?” Sho called out scaring the younger who didn’t stop crying.
“S-Sho-chan?” the younger looked at him with dull eyes. Sho hated it. He hated seeing Masaki cry and he didn’t like the blank look that was in his eyes. “Why the hell are you still crying?!” Sho asked not so gently and Masaki cried even more “I’m sorry” the tears flooded his face “I know you hate me but…I just can’t….I’m so sorry!” he broke down and Sho just ran to him and hugged him. “Stop crying!” Sho yelled and Masaki didn’t stop “please I will do anything to make you stop crying.” Sho pleaded honestly for once. Masaki looked at him. He quickly placed his lips to Sho's and pushed him to the bed. Sho didn’t resist.
He let Masaki feel and touch his skin. The younger man’s hands touched him everywhere even Sho's ass. Masaki sucked his fingers thoroughly wetting them. Sho tensed up when he felt Masaki place his index finger in his hole. But he didn’t pull away. Masaki massaged his hole, stretching it, placing in two more fingers and expanding the hole before he placed Sho's legs on his hips, that’s when Sho panicked. “Wait! I know you’re not thinking about sticking THAT in my ass!” he shouted but Masaki ignored him. Masaki had blacked out and he slowly begun pushing himself into Sho.
Sho eyes opened wide as he felt his hole being stretched and filled slowly. Tears started to collect in his eyes when Masaki leant over and kissed his neck and cheeks before reaching his lips. Sho felt more eased when he felt Masaki's lips. Once he relaxed Masaki started moving slowly as he continued kissing Sho's neck and shoulder.
He slowly picked up speed. He was now at the point where he was vigorously pounding into Sho's ass. Sho moaned as the pain subsided and Masaki was hitting his spot. He wrapped his arms around Masaki's slim back as he neared his climax. He continually called the younger’s name as he screamed when he released onto Masaki's stomach. Masaki humped him a few more times before filling his hole.
Sho panted as Masaki's body collapsed on top of his. “I….think I…..” He whispered but Masaki was already asleep. When Sho woke up he could feel a sharp pain in his back but he noticed the note on his nightstand. There were some aspirin and a glass of water. “Sorry for last night. You probably hate me but you won't have to worry about it from now on. Here’s some aspirin it will help.” Was what the note said. Sho was absolutely furious he gets his ass rammed in and the god damn fucker left him alone in bed.
Masaki was already at the agency as Sho walked up to Ohno's office. He slightly opened the door when he heard Masaki speaking “I think it’s best if I leave and quit.” He said Sho just looked. “I need to free my mind besides I doubt trying will get me anywhere it’s useless for me. tell him i said goodbye.” Sho could see the disappointment on Ohno's face. So now he was lipid. How dare Masaki try and disappear after what happened and not even so much gives him a face to face good bye?
A/N: hai, hai, hai, hai HAI! konbanwa! well i just finished this story so it will be about two to three more chapters. i will post them in the next two days. so for now here's chap 12. sho went to masaki's performance, masaki broke down and got drunk sho and masaki finally went to the final stage...wow i think i summed this up perfectly. anyway brief summary of next chap, sho confronts masaki, then sho get teased to no end and nino shows up to add a little more drama and then he say a final good bye to the one he really loves. enjoy and share thoughts and predictions if you'll like. mata ashita ne~!
[next chap preview] Sho busted into the room and walked straight up to Masaki and grabbed him by the collar. “SO EXACTLY WHEN WERE YOU’RE GOING TO TELL ME?!?!?” he shouted loudly and Masaki looked confused. “So you planned on leaving after you fucking killed my ass?!” he continued “eh!” Masaki gasped. “Sho!” Jun hissed and the older man let go. “You just pissed me off.” Sho said and Masaki looked down. “Did you think I wouldn’t be mad if I woke up alone?” Sho asked. “I figured you never wanted to see my face again.” Masaki replied keeping his eyes glued to the ground. “Since when did you get that idea?” Sho asked pissed. Masaki looked off to the side. Sho didn’t notice when Ohno and Jun had slipped out the office, not without leaving a crack in the door and watching them. “Go ahead I’m waiting.” Sho frowned at the younger gave a sad smile “it’s alright I know you don’t love me…and probably never will.” He said biting his lip to hide his tears.
Sho snapped. He snatched Masaki by his collar and faced him “shut up you don’t know anything.” He said before smacking his lips the Aiba's. His eyes grew so wide as he watched Sho's face. Sho opened one eye and pulled back slightly. Their lips still touched and they brushed against each other as he spoke, “close your eyes.” He commanded against Masaki's lips and Masaki did as told.