Aug 02, 2010 23:35
Since some time ago, I had always wanted to try out gym. The only gym I'd been to was the one offered by Nestle Fitnesse Office Challenge last year. But the trainers and other gym-goers were mostly males so I wasn't very comfortable(trainer even 'mocked' at my socks wtf) and it was VERY far from my home. As I'm going to be studying full-time(I hope) soon, I would be having quite a lot of free time so I was seriously considering of going to a gym. The initial thought was to go to Sports Council gyms but I'd heard waiting for an equipment was an issue and I didn't know what works for me.
Just at this exact moment, we received a flyer. I dragged my mum and we went for the $19/3 sessions in a week trial and top-up $1 for analysis. My mum hadn't exercised for a very long so after just 1 session, she couldn't take it and was complaining of muscle aches everyday when she wasn't walking. I ended up completing the remaining 2 sessions by myself. Somehow, I seem to be the type who do not need a buddy's motivation to lose weight/diet/exercise. At the end of the 2nd session, the trainer(also a physiotherapist) roughly told me the pricing for their 1 year member. But as she was mostly responsible for the exercising part, I had trouble trying to decipher. It took a few rounds of questions (from me) before I understood.
As they were non-pushy, I went home and seriously thought it over. I weighed the pros and cons - whether could I maintain the costs while not working, my going to school soon, comparing long and short-term goals, the accessibility, the environment, my back and neck problems(the trainers would modify the moves to cater for my conditions) etc. When I went back for my 3rd session, I had already decided on taking the 1 year membership. However, another staff explained about their 2 year membership and I was in a dilemma. The price was reasonable but I was going to stop work soon, would I be able to afford? I think she sensed that I was already thinking of taking the 1 year member but am contemplating on adding another year. Having heard from me that I was going to stop work and going back to school soon, she asked me to consider carefully and not to be financially burdened. Having experience with a few slimming centers *cough*, I was quite touched by this gesture. So I ended up taking a 2 year unlimited access gym membership and I intend to fully make use of it! Praying hard that I can achieve slimmer legs, arms and waist in 3 months time because both cosplays I'm doing for AFA are short skirts with sleeveless fitting tops argh!