Reckless 3

Dec 25, 2008 23:43

Author: Relic Yuy
Pairing: ShuuheixRenjixByakuya
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Humour/Romance
Warning: SMUT!!!
Summary: ByaShuRen smut. Not much for storyline.
AN: Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. It's greatly appreciated. I apologize for the wait and even more so for the length. I must have cut about 1000 words from the original draft so this is the best I could do. Hope you can put up with it all.

Renji and Shuuhei had gone ahead. Byakuya had said he would be along shortly. After all how would it look if they were all to enter Hisagi’s private quarters together? Regardless, it gave Shuuhei and Renji time to prepare.

Renji had gone to clean up first and was now lying on the bed with his hair down, in a plain white yukata, contemplating the evening’s events. Renji had hoped that over time Kuchiki Byakuya would grow more comfortable around him. Then maybe he would see Byakuya smile, maybe laugh, possibly go out for a drink together. Leave it to Shuuhei to bypass all of that and get straight to the fun stuff.

But Byakuya wasn’t here yet. He may not come at all. He probably wouldn’t. No, of course not, this was Kuchiki Taicho after all. Renji couldn’t even imagine… Well, that wasn’t true. He had imagined it plenty, too many times to count and in too many scenarios to remember.

“Awww,” Renji heard from the bathroom door, “you put clothes on so I could unwrap you like a present.”

Renji looked up to find a very naked Hisagi Shuuhei stalking over to him. Shuuhei’s eyes were hungry and he licked his lips in anticipation. He crawled across the bed and straddled the redhead’s hips. Renji’s hands slid up Shuuhei’s thighs, over his hips and snaked around his lover’s waist.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he murmured.

Shuuhei crushed their lips together; biting, teasing, exploring. He didn’t linger long however, pulling back to grin at Renji as his hands worked their way down to Renji’s sash. He tugged at it much like one would open an elaborately wrapped birthday present.

“I wonder what’s in here,” Shuuhei purred.

Renji’s arms fell to his sides, allowing himself to be carefully unwrapped. Soft, wet kisses were trailed on newly exposed, inked skin, before cool air was gently blown over the wet path. Renji shivered. He was perfectly content to let Shuuhei have his way with him. Kira was good at kidou, Ikkaku had incredible luck, Matsumoto could drink any of them under the table and Shuuhei was amazing in bed.

“You think he’ll actually come?” Renji asked.

“Mmmm,” Shuuhei moaned closing his mouth over Renji’s erection.

The vibrations from the sound forced a groan from the redhead, his hips pushed up involuntarily. Shuuhei’s warm mouth accepted him easily and good gods it felt good, but it wasn’t enough.

“Damn Shuuhei…” Renji panted. “Turn around.”

Shuuhei pulled away and lay on his side, in reverse next to Renji. It was a position Shuuhei was famous for and it was their favourite because they had perfected it together. Renji curled onto his side as well and immediately felt Shuuhei’s sinful mouth engulf him again.

He stuck two fingers in his mouth and coated them generously. Shuuhei groaned unhappily at not having been touched yet. With a small chuckle, Renji mouth closed over the head of his lovers cock. His arms snuck around and slick fingers probed at the luscious pink pucker.

Shuuhei hips thrust erratically unsure of whether to plunge forward into the hot, wet mouth or push back against the exploring digits. Releasing Renji’s penis, Shuuhei stuck two of his own fingers in his mouth and mirrored Renji’s actions. Then he was right back to slurping noisily on the hard heat before him.

“Started without me, I see,” came a deep voice from above them.

Renji looked over his shoulder to find Kuchiki Taicho standing at the edge of the bed. His kenseikan was gone and he was no longer in his Shinigami attire. He wore a simple navy blue and dark grey kimono. With all its layers, Shuuhei was going to have a blast unwrapping him.

“Glad you could make it,” Shuuhei said crawling over to their guest.

Kuchiki Taicho looked down at the gorgeous, flushed & naked 9th Division Lieutenant kneeling in front of him. His expression was unwavering but his eyes were dark with lust. It seemed not even Kuchiki Byakuya was able to resist Hisagi’s sex appeal. He lifted his hand to cup Shuuhei’s cheek and ran his thumb over the swollen lower lip. As he did, Hisagi swiped the tip of his tongue over the exploring digit. Byakuya smirked. He leaned forward and pressed their lips together. It was a strong dominating kiss but gentle all at the same time. Shuuhei submitted to it willingly pressing himself against Byakuya’s chest.

Renji’s cock twitched at the sight. He shifted up against the headboard, resting his hands behind his head. The vision was a bit at odds; Byakuya, with his composed demeanour and his flawless appearance as the dominant one and Shuuhei with his spiky hair and tattoos as the submissive. Still, they looked delicious together, all dark hair and pale porcelain skin.

Shuuhei broke the kiss with a gasp and licked his lips, deliberately showing the Captain how good he tasted. Then, he looked at Renji over his shoulder.

“You wanna help me with this?” Shuuhei asked gesturing at the kimono.

“All yours, babe,” Renji said, leaning back to enjoy the show.

Shuuhei got to work, peeling back the first layer of rich fabric and laying it gently on the floor. He untied the obi, tugging gently, sensually - enjoying every moment. He continued like this with each garment, exposing more and more smooth, creamy skin. His fingertips ghosted over Byakuya’s chest, exploring, appreciating. They trailed down to the hakama and slid them down over pale hips, lithe thighs and strong calves before dropping to the ground with a gentle thud. There stood the noble Captain in all his naked glory.

Shuuhei trailed his hand up the firm thighs and over smooth hips before taking Byakuya’s penis in hand, his warm breath teasing the length, tempting it to full arousal. He locked eyes with the Captain and slowly swiped his tongue over the blunt tip. Byakuya sighed but other than that, his expression did not change. Shuuhei drew a wet line from Byakuya’s balls all the way up to the tip. He dipped his tongue into the slit then wound it out slowly in a sensual swirl until all of the swollen head was resting in his mouth. As Shuuhei bobbed his head a few times, one of Byakuya’s hands came to rest atop of Shuuhei’s head and the other gripped his shoulder. Shuuhei took in as much of the length that he could with ease, paused, took a deep breath, swallowed and slid all the way down to the hilt.

Renji didn’t know when but at some point his hand had moved from behind his head to his aching erection. He commanded himself to be gentle but with Shuuhei deep throating his captain like that, it was a wonder that he hadn’t come on the spot.

Kuchiki Taicho hand twisted in Shuuhei’s hair and yanked the Lieutenant off roughly. He was gasping hard and he gave Hisagi a playfully reproachful look. Shuuhei just grinned up at him with his naughty smile and licked him lips, humming appreciatively. Byakuya tugged at his hair again, pulling him up for a rough kiss.

Renji’s stroking sped up slightly. Byakuya broke the kiss abruptly and flipped Shuuhei around so he was on his hands and knees over Renji.

“We have been neglecting you, Abarai,” Byakuya said.

Shuuhei grinned at his lover’s glazed eyes and flushed face. He licked Renji from chin to nose then pressed their lips together.

Byakuya noticed a tube of lubrication laying on the bed. He squirted a generous amount on his fingers and pressed them into Hisagi’s inviting entrance. Placing his free hand between Shuuhei’s shoulder blades and guided him down to Renji’s erection. As Shuuhei sucked, his bum swayed temptingly in the air.

Locking eyes with Renji, Kuchiki Taicho slicked himself up and slid into Shuuhei in one fluid thrust. Hisagi’s lips stilled and he gasped around Renji’s cock. Byakuya pulled out almost completely. Shuuhei whimpered and pushed his hips back. He was soon shoved forwards again as Byakuya thrust in once more. The pace was slow but each thrust was fluid and powerful. Renji thought this was quite possibly the hottest thing he had ever seen.

Byakuya tugged Hisagi up so he was pressed against his chest. He whispered something that Renji could not quite hear. Whatever it was, it certainly had an effect on Shuuhei.

“Ahhh! Gods, yes!” He gasped.

“Prepare him,” Byakuya commanded.

Shuuhei’s hand reached up and Byakuya squirted a generous amount onto it.

Shuuhei’s going to fuck me while Taicho fucks him? Yes! Renji thought.

But Shuuhei’s hand did not go to Renji’s entrance. Instead, it slicked his length roughly.

Are we going to switch, Renji wondered. No way in hell is Taicho going to let me top him.

Renji didn’t have to think for much longer, Shuuhei cupped his own balls and guided Renji’s erection towards his hole.

What the hell, both of us at the same time? Renji nearly passed out at the thought. Damn, Taicho’s a kink.

It was a tight squeeze but little by little Renji’s cock, rubbing with delicious friction against his Taicho’s slick, throbbing member, nudged its way into Shuuhei’s perfect ass. They were all panting hard and Shuuhei, for obvious reasons, loudest of all but his expression was one of pure bliss.

“Take your time, Hisagi,” Byakuya said.

“It’s fine… I’m fine,” Shuuhei gasped.

“Abarai’s recklessness is rubbing off on you,” Byakuya frowned. “Have you considered the repercussions of not being properly prepared?”

“I’ll be a little sore but it’ll be worth it.”

“You will be spending the greater part of tomorrow doing paperwork, Hisagi. How will you explain the wincing?”

Shuuhei giggled. The gentle shaking of his body caused the two erections inside of him to rub together ever so deliciously. Byakuya hissed and steeled himself quickly. Renji however grasped Shuuhei’s hips hard and held him in place.

“Stop fucking moving, asshole!”

“You endurance needs work, Abarai.” Byakuya said.

“Yeah, I keep trying to sign up but that course always seems to be full,” Renji shot back before he could help himself.

“You should have mentioned it,” Byakuya replied without skipping a beat. “I teach the course.”

“Excuse me gentlemen, am I interrupting,” Hisagi cut in. “Can we get back to the task at hand?”

“If Abarai feels he can keep himself under control,” Byakuya said.

Renji glared and Shuuhei grinned. His lover was so easy to wind up. Before Renji could say anything to kill the mood, Shuuhei rolled his hips experimentally. Renji hissed, gripping Shuuhei’s hips even harder.

Byakuya moaned. It was ever so softly but it was a moan nonetheless and Renji immediately fell in love with the sound. Determined to hear it again, he thrust his hips gently, watching Shuuhei closely for any sign of discomfort. Byakuya moved as well and their slippery, slick erections rubbed tantalizingly while Shuuhei’s warm body moved snugly over them.

Renji thought he would lose his mind. He could feel Byakuya’s rock hard erection throbbing against his own, the noble face clouded over with lust and his soft pink lips parted to produce the most erotic noises, like soft breathy pants and low, rumbling moans. No amount of fantasizing would compare to the absolute vision of his Taicho in the throes of passion.

Then, there was Hisagi. Renji still couldn’t believe he got to call this man his own. The sweat on Shuuhei’s body was glistening in the pale light of the room, his eyelids were heavy, his damp hair was falling into his eyes and his pretty mouth gasping and crying out as he impaled himself continuously.

Byakuya pulled him up against his chest once again, biting on his earlobe and pinching a perky nipple. Shuuhei almost never came until his lover was satisfied but Renji could tell how close he was getting. He groped blindly for the lube and he messily coated his hand. Byakuya lowered his lips to Shuuhei’s neck and nipped carefully enough not to leave any marks. Shuuhei whimpered when Renji’s hand closed over his aching cock and pumped roughly, twisting his wrist and squeezing just the way Shuuhei liked it. It didn’t take long, only a few strokes and Shuuhei came so hard some of it grazed Renji’s cheek and landed in the ruby hair.

Shuuhei soon found himself being laid down on the pillows. He was still trembling but the sight of the two hard, gorgeous men kneeling on either side of him brought his naughty smile back. He reached out and gripped their erection is his hands and stroked lazily.

Byakuya’s eyes drifted shut and he let out a small sigh. Renji tore his gaze away from Shuuhei at the sound and decided that he really, really wanted to know what his Taicho’s lips tasted like. With one hand behind Byakuya’s neck, he pulled the noble forwards and pressed their lips together. Byakuya went willingly and responded with much passion to the kiss.

Shuuhei hooked his hands between their legs and palmed their bums, pulling them forwards. They were easily guided. Soon, both their erections bobbed before Shuuhei’s lips. Grasping them firmly at the base, he rubbed the two swollen tips together. Both men shuddered but their lips remained locked. Shuuhei swiped his tongue, tasting them both simultaneously, as his hands pumped them with a little more vigour.

Renji felt Shuuhei’s hand leave him and growled at the loss. He felt his Taicho smirk and felt the urge to bite those noble lips but a hot wet mouth suddenly engulfed him and he broke the kiss with a shuddering gasp. This time it was Byakuya’s turn to grab Renji by the nape and yank him back to continue their kiss. At any other time, Renji would be grinning and gloating like an idiot but two slick fingers were being pressing into him and it felt really, really nice.

“Ready?” Taicho asked against his lips.

Renji’s mind was incoherent so Shuuhei answered for him. “Yes.”

Renji found himself straddling Shuuhei’s torso and the lovely wet, heat engulfed him anew. He heard Byakuya moving behind him then felt the delicious pressure as he was penetrated.

“Steel yourself, Abarai,” Byakuya warned. “I would like for this to last.”

Renji’s began to retort but Shuuhei (cleverly) deep throated and hummed, erasing all thoughts from the redhead. Byakuya silently approved of his Lieutenant’s choice for a mate. Hisagi seemed to be a great influence on the hot headed Abarai Renji.

Shuuhei’s orgasm hazed mind was becoming a little clearer now. Renji, whom he knew had been fantasizing of his Captain for a long time, was absolutely lost in sensation, there was no way he would last. That would never do. Shuuhei would be damned if their guest left less than completely satisfied. He pulled his mouth off of Renji and placed a hand on Byakuya’s hip.

“Switch,” He said.

Soon, Renji was on his back, his strong inked thighs gripping his Taicho’s waist as Byakuya continued his powerful thrusts. Renji wondered briefly why Shuuhei had disappeared behind Kuchiki Taicho’s back but he got his answer quickly when Byakuya mouth dropped open and he gasped hard.

“Hisagi,” he hissed, “That is vile!”

“Feels damn good though, don’t it?” Renji grinned at him.

Shuuhei only smirked and continued flicking his clever tongue over the noble’s entrance, after all Byakuya hadn’t told him to stop. Hisagi wet the pink pucker with luscious licks, tracing it with sensual swirls and pressing inside to taste the forbidden flavour. It was only when Byakuya’s began to lose his rhythm that Shuuhei stopped his ministrations. Kneeling behind the noble and pressing two lubed fingers into him, Shuuhei whispered into Byakuya’s ear.

“Are you ready, Taicho?”

“Oh, shit!” Renji groaned beneath them.

Byakuya whispered something to Shuuhei, who moved off the bed for a moment then returned, holding the leather cock ring he had gotten for Renji a few months back. Byakuya snapped it onto the redhead and Renji whimpered.

“Proceed,” Byakuya said to Shuuhei.

Shuuhei pressed in slowly, his eyes locked with Renji the entire time. Renji’s hand snuck down to his erection, hoping to remove the cock ring while his Taicho was distracted. His fingers touched the supple leather when Byakuya’s hand slapped it away.

“Ow! Damnit, Taicho!”

“What would people say if they knew my Lieutenant had such terrible endurance?”

“What would people say if they knew Kuchiki Byakuya was pounding his Lieutenant into the mattress?” Renji snapped back, reaching for the cock ring again.

Byakuya slapped his hand away again and pulled out of Renji altogether.

“NO!” Renji whimpered. “Fuck, damn it all to hell! You teasing bastard!”

“That is no way to speak to your Captain.”

Renji cursed inwardly a few more times. “Please, Taicho,” he gritted through clenched teeth.

“You’ll need to speak up, Abarai, I can’t hear you.”

Asshole. “I’m sorry, Taicho. Please, continue.”

Byakuya pushed in agonizingly slowly. Renji thrust himself downwards but Byakuya’s hands were hard on his hips.


“No, harder.”

Byakuya raised an eyebrow.

“Please,” Renji forced out.

“That didn’t sound very sincere,” Byakuya said.

Shuuhei’s arms were wrapped around Byakuya’s chest and he was peeking in amusement over a broad, pale shoulder. Renji glared at him, pleading silently for his help. He should have known better.

“Bite his nipples,” Shuuhei said. “It drives him crazy.”

Byakuya smirked and leaned forward.

“Asshole,” Renji spat. “No, Taicho, no, no no… Don’t! Stop… I won’t be able to… Oh, fuck yes!”

Byakuya nipping and licking at Renji’s nipples pushed his hips into the perfect angle. Shuuhei thrusts sped up and in turn, Byakuya’s as well. Everything became frantic in no time; Renji cursing and begging for release, prostates being bumped on so perfectly and tight muscles constricting impossibly creating mind numbing friction. Byakuya reached down and unsnapped the ring. Renji came instantly, screaming incoherently. His body clamped down on Byakuya who shuddered and came with a soft gasp at the same time as Shuuhei who bit down into the pale shoulder.

As their breaths and pulses returned to normal, Byakuya looked back. Shuuhei abandoned the newly marked shoulder to press their lips together slowly. Moments later, they were interrupted by a snoring redhead.

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