Title: Mallow, Downpour.
barukode .Character(s): Shuuhei Hisagi, Izuru Kira.
Prompt: Marshmallow, Rain.
Word Count: 145. 1748.
Rating: G, PG-13.
Summary: Hisagi and Kira attempt to make smores. The boys are caught in showers of rain and emotions.
Warning: The first piece is incredibly fluffy. The second is an explosion of ANGST! Also, SPOILERS FOR THE MOST RECENT MANGA CHAPTERS!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas, and I am not paid; paper money is useless to me.
A/N: This hurr is my Valentine's Day gift to
kwansan [: I really wanted to write something for all three prompts, but my Muse just fled at the word "archery" >< I apologize x 48509346 for the angst in the second piece; apparently RL!stress decided to creep in on me while I was writing. I'm not even sure that I am 100% content with how the 'rain' prompt came out, so I am sorry if it is über fail! It also ended up being way longer than I had originally intended ^^' On another note.. Happy Lovers Day, Dearest! I hope that You have a fabulous holiday and that these little ficlets meet Your standards!
And a Happy Valentine's Day to all Yous guys ^^
Read at my LJ.