because guess who got me hooked onto this pairing? XD";;;

May 28, 2005 13:54

Tousen & Shuuhei with time free
somewhere Renji, Kira snicker & flee;
running behind Momo tries not to squee

XD";;;;; *blames it all on kagami-kun =XXXX* =P

luff her muchas for it tho. XD <3

Ehheh-- i present my humble offering and bid all a meek 'yoroshiku onegaishimasu~'

Fixing up my scanner soon, maybe someday i'll get to contribute art, too... (but then... dreadlocks omigawddd. X_X";;;;;; & i'm just not good at doing sexy hawt justice to the likes of Hisagi Shuuhei, either... T_T"~;;;; )

I.... might stick to writing maybe. XD";;;
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