Cy's Lyric ~ Feel Me

May 24, 2005 01:06

buuu... taking a long break from projects XD;;; ahahahaa ~_~; *is chased around by dead line* X_x; btw, I've made this quick lyric based on Shuuhei/Kaname relationship T_T; <3 they're so sad... *sobs*

Cyberhell - Feel Me

Why did you come to my life…
I didn’t understand you at all
Why did you take my heart away,
Imprisoned with only your smile

Did you see me cry?
Could you feel me…
Did you try to push me away?
Or it was only me…
Taken by all of your hidden emotions

Tell me what was in your mind
I couldn’t read you…
Because you closed yourself from the world

Let me hear you,
Let me see the real you,
Let me reach you…
And feel me

gah, so tacky and lame X_x;;; gyaaa~ *runs around in circles* Bahahaha *dodges everything that aimed at her* ~_~;;;

Just want to add this in because I think I need to explain where did I got the lines from ~_~ <3 pls skip if you dont feel like to read them XD; btw if you haven't notice, this song is Shuuhei's POV ~_~v

Why did you come to my life…
I didn’t understand you at all
Why did you take my heart away,
Imprisoned with only your smile

This part is when Shuuhei met Kaname for the first time. Probably when Shuuhei is promoted as Kaname's fuku-taicho? Basically it's like a love on the first sight ~_~ <3 At first, Shuuhei thought that it's only some admiration toward the other, but then his feeling start to built up.

Did you see me cry?
Could you feel me…
Did you try to push me away?
Or it was only me…
Taken by all of your hidden emotions

A one sided love. Even though Shuuhei loved Kaname so much, his taicho is clueless about his feeling.

Tell me what was in your mind
I couldn’t read you…
Because you closed yourself from the world

In my POV, Kaname is a very closed and keep staying low (he doesn’t like public attention or something). Shuuhei tried to dig out Kaname’s real self, because he want to know why Kaname hide his true self.

Let me hear you,
Let me see the real you,
Let me reach you…
And feel me

Shuuhei’s silent word to Kaname T_T <3
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