Title : What if...Jin did whatever Kame told him to.
Genre : Fluff ?
Rating : PG ?
Pairing : AKame.
Disclaimer : They're not mine.
Summary : I suck at summaries, so just read the title.
Warning : Lame english, kind of an AU ?
Feel free to correct any mistake.
Quotes from
chukenhachiko , for the meme/challenge thing :
hereQuote 3 : "Don't leave again".
He was at the airport. Again. Damn those stupid fangirls who saw him with his Kazu at the convini and shouted it out loud on every website related to KAT-TUN. They want some AKame ? Fine ! Then rule 1 : If you witness an AKame moment, don't report it ! Do they really think that Johnny doesn't know how to google something ? Well, now, they knew. He was annoyed. Like, really annoyed. Why ? 'Cause Johnny told him about his "trip" to LA yesterday evening. And guess what ? "This time, not a word to Kamenashi-kun before the press conference". Which was currently airing. Most exactly, it just ended. So Kame must have heard just now. Of course. Don't leave Kame a chance to see him before he's in the plane. At least, it was what they both thought. Until he heard someone shouting "Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin !!!" at the top of his lungs. He stood there dumbstruck as the younger ran towards him. Even when Kame was in front of him, trying to regain his breath, he let him do the talking. And there wasn't much, really. No questions, why, how, where - he already knew all the answers. Kame only said one thing :
-Please, don't leave again.
And Jin, seeing him still out of breath from his run and the tears he was barely fighting, feeling a weak, trembling hand grab his, hearing the boarding call for his flight, could only think about one answer : *Screw it !*
He pulled Kame into a hug, and walked back to the exit, his hand never leaving Kame's.
Johnny could go to hell.
Comments are loved ! ^^