Yet another gift for
sweetpaopuwind .. Because I kinda.. idk xD; Maybe I don't need a reason. Her Kame is a sweetie and my Jin wanted me to do it..? And I'm still making up for not finishing her birthday fic/her writing me an epic novel for mine ;u; And for letting me and Jinnyface take up so much of her tiiime.
lol some chibi's managed to sneak in there too.
I THINK I GOT HIS HAIR WRONG, I'M SORRY ;A; I only had a few references with me, none of them recent.. And he does have a nose bump >: The glasses cover it, though. *cries forever*
..yeah about that. 83;
I hope you like it ♥ And that it steers Kame's mind away from the morbid stuff for a while~ Boy needs to be happy, unless he want's a tickle attack x3