Don't complain.. just work harder.

Mar 21, 2009 17:50

So in case any of you faithful readers are wondering, I figured out my calculus dilemma from 2 entries ago. My calculator was in degree mode, and for calculus, we always deal with radian mode. Go me. We're actually not even allowed to use calculator's in class (meaning no calculators for exams, either) so I really shouldn't be using one for homework. However, I don't have the unit circle memorized yet, so I do not know off the top of my head what sec(pi/4) is. I will learn, for the final...just not yet, when I have three exams coming up to study for as well. I'm nervous for them, I don't feel as if I'm as prepared for them as I was for my first exams this semester. However, I have time to study - my bio exam is on Thursday, calc is Monday the 30th, and chem is Wednesday the 1st. If I buckle down for the next week and a half, I can do well. I just need to focus.

The family decided to go bowling today. It was a lot of fun, Dad won every time but there were moments when it was a close score between the two of us. I'm really lucky to have a family that loves each other so much and spends so much time together. I guess I don't realize a lot of the time that a lot of people don't have families like that. But I am very grateful for it and try hard not to take it for granted. I guess Mom & Teri are forcing Dad and I to watch Hairspray with them later. They say it's really funny (it's the version with John Travolta playing the mother) and that we'll enjoy it. Maybe...but I plan on studying for bio while "watching" it. I'm not really a huge fan of musicals anyway. I only really enjoy Westside Story.

There's a benefit for Chris tomorrow (my future roommate's boyfriend, who unfortunately passed away around 6 weeks ago). It's a bit of a drive to get to it, but I would really like to go. The only person I would know there would be Amanda, and since I didn't even know Chris personally, I feel like I might feel a little weird/out of place. But the reason I want to go is because I want to be there for Amanda and pay my respects/show her I'm there for her. I want her to know I want to know the people she's close with, and I know she's close to his family. I consider her one of my closest friends, and since we'll be living together I'm sure we'll get even closer. So I want to go to be more a part of her life (which this family is a big part of) and I do want to pay my respects and get to know some of the people she cares so much about. She said it wouldn't be weird for her or anything if I went, so I hope it's not. I'll most likely go, at least for a couple hours. It starts at one I think.

Speaking of tragic events, another Hiltonite died this weekend. Very tragic...we've lost so many of our classmates from Hilton...I think 6 total since sophomore year ('03-'04)? It's horrible, and every time it just gets harder to deal with. It was such a shock when I heard. Life is so fragile. I feel like I'm reminded of that too often. Of course having a job in the ICU makes death a reality all too often. And although it gets easier to accept, it doesn't really get easier overall. It's still extremely tragic for me to watch death; to work on codes only to lose the patient after 45 minutes; to hold a patient's hand (a patient who was DNR/DNI) as their heartrate steadily drops so that they're not alone when they die. It doesn't get easier..and I have heard, "You'll become desensitized to death". Well my response is, "I sure hope NOT." Why would I ever NOT want to be sensitive to the loss of a human life? Yes coping will become easier, and I hope it continues to do so, but I hope the actual idea of death does not become simple to me. I hope I always feel empathy and sympathy in regards to death. I never want to be desensitized like that. And I'll make every effort not to be. Because I know some people do, but that's not for me.

With that being said, I really should work on this calculus homework. I want to finish it tonight so I don't have to worry about it this week when I have other things to focus on. Till then, stay safe kids.
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