Three exams down, one to go. This quarter was such a breeze.
Last night was pretty cool. I had planned on going to bed pretty early because I had an exam at 8:00 this morning, but, since Alyssa and Melinda remodeled their half of the room, we spent the better part of almost two hours sitting and talking about how we had changed since we met and since our first quarter at UC. Alyssa and Melinda were convinced that Bri and I did not like them..if they only knew. Hah. I love my roommates. I don't know how it worked out, I don't really care, actually, but I'm down with it.
My iTunes is almost fully revived and nearly perfectly organized. (I just had an ultra burst of happy; "Parlez-Vous Freezepop?" just came on; my roommates and I indulged for a moment.)
In eight days my life will be whole again. I am really stoked about best friends- new friends, old friends, not even friends.
Taylor and I have been exchanging Facebook wall posts (tech-no-logy) and have been discussing the possibility of her visiting during her spring break for a weekend and possibly dragging my darling Gina with her. I am excited about the prospect of this happening.
I kind of yelled at some of the boys on our floor last night; they were being morons so I'm not to blame. They were seriously lacking in maturity. The thing I hate most about them, even though I love them all, is that stupid smirk on their face when they think they're about to say something really funny, and witty, and smart and then it's just not funny, witty, or all.
I really want to play catch, color with sidewalk chalk,and just be outside. Being inside is silly but I am not putting forth any effort to change that. Perhaps I will change my Facebook status so that everyone is aware that I am itching to throw a ball at them.
I fucking hate Facebook...seriously.
I wish that I had something awesome to talk about, but I don't, I just feel like..'talking.'
Alyssa and I went to see 300 on Friday evening with her family and their significant others; she and I were significant others for the evening, haha. The movie was, in my opinion, really good. I wish I lived during that time period; those men were so attractive and had so many muscles that I didn't even know existed. So hot.
The 604 roommates and I are having a sleep over at my house over spring break. I am really excited.
I had a really, really awesome dream last night. I was..somewhere..a party, maybe? It was in Cincinnati but I think it reminded me more of Wadsworth. I met this boy that Bizz knew and he and I were talking and he told me I was cute. Then, we were just hanging out, and then we started making out; he was really, really, really attractive. He and I exchanged numbers and he promised to call me when he got back to the area. Then, all of a sudden, we were in a house, I think it was supposed to be my aunt Jenni's house, but it definitely was not her house. I looked out of the big window and I saw this cloud-like thing hurdling towards the earth and and I kept saying, "Guys! Guys! Guys!" and I kept backing away from the window and when it impacted with the ground cars flew everywhere and were smashing into the ground and everyone was wondering why I was freaking out, like it was no bid deal that something weird had happened. But I remember telling Kinel and Bizz about this boy because he was so dreamy and we made out; hubba hubba. The best part about the dream is that I know that I know, or have at least seen, this boy. Now maybe I need to find him... I also remember that he designed clothes or something. But seriously, he was really incredibly attractive.
These are some things that I used to take for granted when my teeth were normal:
1. Drinking out of a cup.
2. Biting into an apple.
3. Eating Popsicles and ice cream.
Fuck sensitive teeth. Fuck 'em.
I cannot wait to go shopping for spring-time clothes. I want to see if I can make a trip to Kenwood Mall over break to see if somebody wants to hire me so I can work there during spring quarter and during the summer. Money, money, money. Having a job at Kenwood would also require that I have my car on campus which does cost a cool $200 at least..and gas is not cheap..
I wish that I knew how I did on my exams.
That was the best summer ever.