Apr 27, 2005 00:09
i need some sort of way to post pics so i can get them on here. bc i can't remember my old password for what i used to use..
i'm going to try and write on here more..try...
last day of class tomorrow.. i'm excited about that.. then i have a final next week and freedom until june.. this month is exciting.. i've got my brother's birthday, mother's day.. annd ben's birthday.. which i can't wait to write what i am getting him.. plus.. the 7th is serapis is playing at this local festival.. and there is supposed to be a ridiculous number of people there.. pharmacists and my family are coming with me to the skatepark.. which i makes it even more fun to me.. then the 9th is ben's birthday.. and we both got it off work.. after that.. ben will be recording all this month..
and on the 20th - 22nd.. ben and i are going down to b'ham.. it's been way too long.. over a year for me.. i haven't been to b'ham since last valentine's.. 2004.. i'm going to see belinda graduation and ben is going to purchase a computer from stacey.. and i'm going to surin, sakura for midnight sushi, and che loulou (sp?).. oh and the botanical gardens.. i'm super excited.. but sad about no jinx.. so .. no good shopping.. craup..: )
my apt is great.. my roommate.. is great.. the war with my neighbors has been fun..