I think i might scream, i have spent most of the night watching Supernatural and finishing off the Dude Count for season1. I got pretty much to the end and my f'in window crashed, now normally Lj does that restore from draft thing, but did it do it this time? NO!!!!!
So i have had to start all over again and it is clearly not going to be the rest of the season, grrrrrrrr.
2 Dudes from Dean each time.
Sam meets another one like him.
Now if these 2 showed up on my door i am sure they could convert me :)
The Benders
Freaky people who hunt other people.
1 dude from Sam, he is clearly taking after his big brother.
Arrr the return of Meg, and more from John Winchester.
As for the dudes. 1 from Dean, 2 from Sam and 1 from Meg. There's another too, said by both Sam and Dean at the same time.
How impressed they look in their spiffy uniforms.
Dean - Dude, was that you?
Sam - No, it was the little lady.
(clearly not what they say but i do like to make things up for the stills, sad i know)
Hell House
About the only thing i remember from the episode :)
No really, i do love this episode. We only have 1 dude from Dean but we do have the pranks.
Oh and the introduction of the Ghostfacers! How awesome are they?
Where the pranks start off, with Dean putting and spoon in Sam's mouth and turning the music up. Next up is Sam's turn, he rigs the stereo in the car so when Dean turns it on, its super loud and some crappy music.
Dean gets Sam back by putting itching powder in his clothes, clearly got jealous after seeing Sam naked in that towel. Sam then gets Dean with the super glue, awesome. Love episodes like this.
Oh and the last prank on the Ghostfacers. Sam with the Hollywood producer phone call and Dean putting fish in their van.
Something Wicked
No dudes from Dean, 1 from John. 3 dudes from Sam, 2 said in the same sentence.
Sam: Dude, Dude, i'm not using this ID
Dean: Why not?
Sam: Because it has 'Bikini Inspector' on it.
Young dean and young Sam introduced in the first flash back to their childhood (obviously not including the initial flash backs to baby Sam and their mum) Johns dude is in the flash back too.
Freaky painting with girl that slits peoples throats, nice.
We have just the 1 dude from Sam.