Day off of doing nothing, so time to catch up on some Supernatural, i am hankering to watch S5 but want to do it the right way by watching from the beginning.
Season 1 - Phantom Traveller, Bloody Mary, Skin, Hook Man and Bugs.
Phantom Traveller
3 dudes from Dean, all whilst on the Plane.
2 main songs for me, Black Sabbaths Paranoid and Metallicas Some Kind of Monster which Dean hums to keep calm on the plane.
From everyday wear to business attire, these boys are too hot!
A little scared of flying me thinks :)
Deans cell number anyone? 785 555 0179 although it was changed from the original number from when the ep was first aired, 866 907 3235.
Bloody Mary
1 dude, from Dean of course.
Not much to note with this ep.
Sam: Why’d you let me fall asleep?
Dean: Cause I’m an awesome brother. So what did you dream about?
Sam: Lollipops and candy canes.
4 Dudes, 2 from regular Dean and 2 from Shape shifter Dean.
2 main songs i will be adding to my play-list - 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida' by Iron Butterfly and Frees 'Alright Now'
The boys deciding what to do. How i heart these two. I remember when it all first kicked off and Season 1 came to ITV2, then adverts alone had my ready for what was in store "scary just got sexy" hell yeah it did!!!
Evil Dean. I love it when they play themselves but evil or in some other way.
3 Dudes all from Dean.
Music - quite like the sound of Quiet Riots 'Bang your Head'
Person known - Bulldog (Dan Butler) from Fraser
Dean: Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis.
Now if i was a church going girl and i turned around to see this looking back at me i would definitely be in for a whole load of sin! Actually either of them :)
First mention of rock salt being used to repel ghosts/spirits and i do believe the first salting and burning of bones.
Dean has the dudes again, 2.
Sams feelings about daddy dearest come to the surface in this ep.
Sam: Well, Dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case. You don’t remember?
Dean: Well, maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes, you were out of line.
Sam: Right. Right, like when I said I’d rather play soccer than learn bowhunting.
Dean: Bowhunting’s an important skill.
Larry: Let me just say -- we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or…sexual orientation.
Not something i would want to find in my shower, now if i found Dean in there it would be a whole different story :)