Title: Eyes Without a Face
Fandom: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Character: Severus Snape
Rating: PG Words: 155
Warning: canon character death
Inspiration: characters created by JK Rowling and Billy Idol’s Eyes Without a Face
Summary: Harry truly does have Lily’s eyes
“Look at me,” Severus demanded of the boy, the reason Lily was dead.
If Severus had known to whom that prophecy could possibly refer he would never have told. Lily did not want or return his love but she did not deserve to die for choosing another. If ever a soul deserved eternity, it was hers.
He looked into the green eyes of Harry James Potter properly, for the first time. More than Nagini’s venom twisted through his heart. Albus had been correct in his assessment. He had precisely his mother’s eyes. It is Lily’s heart and soul residing within them. Not James Potter’s or that hidden, revolting slice of the Dark Lord. Severus had been wrong to despise the child. The best of Lily Evans survives through her son and Severus has helped him live.
Severus feels his soul knit back together as he dies. The boy will forgive him, and Lily will too.