Traditional recipe for evilprick!Merlin / utterbastard!Arthur

Apr 22, 2010 09:33

rose_walker22 asked for my help on evil!Merlin

So here's the recipe, guaranteed success every time!

evilprick!Merlin / utterbastard!Arthur
1 big-eared warlock (preferably underfed with slashtastic cheekbones)
1 plump-lipped prince of Camelot (preferably of the golden delicious variety)
1 wooden spoon of pantomime proportions

1. combine warlock and prince in vessel of your choice
(this chef uses adjacent stocks but many like dungeon, forest, Uther's bed - all are good)

2. beat both frantically with wooden spoon whilst hurling insults such as prat, idiot, ass (this one works best with a hint of couldn't-quite-suppress-the-Irish-accent-here), girl and clot pole. Repeat until they start blaming each other for everything you do.

3. Let them loose and enjoy lashings of magical Arthur/Merlin-angry-sex with a side serve of dastardly bastardry.

Accompanying wine: vintage Pendragon red.

'merlin', violence, dickheadry, 'arthur', slash references

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