Jan 05, 2007 23:48

Do they have any close friends?
- Kaiba will say no, but out of everyone he speaks to on a regular basis, Cissnei probably comes the closest to being a friend of any sort.
If so, what are they like?
- She’s mature, serious, no-nonsense, not too different from Kaiba except she has less hang-ups about emotion.
What is the history of their relationship(s) with them?
- They first started talking when she hacked into his NETWORK post, and they’ve worked together on attempts to get off the island since then. She’s been officially signed as a Kaiba Corporation employee, which probably made their relationship a little closer.
Do they currently have a best friend whom they would protect with their reputation or their life?
- No. He and Cissnei get along very well, but he’s not going to risk his life for her. He doesn’t see Atem as a ‘friend’.
If so, who are they and what caused them to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for them to end this relationship?
- N/A
Do they have any bitter enemies?
- Plenty. Kaiba’s been fighting his stepfather Kaiba Gozaburo for most of his life. He also made bitter enemies of the former board of directors of Kaiba Corporation, the big 5. His stepbrother Noa was very jealous of him for taking ownership of Kaiba Corporation as well, though he tried to help Seto in the end. Siegfried Schroeder is also an enemy, for hacking into Kaiba Corporation and messing up his tournament.

On Salkia, he considers Kia the greatest enemy of all. Jing is a secondary one, as Kaiba suspects he has a part to play in holding them on the Island. Heck and Larxene, as was Bakura before them, were annoyances but not really where his attention lies.
Have they defeated them before?
- Kaiba has defeated all of them at home(though usually with Atem and the Yuugi-tachi’s help.) Kia still hasn’t been touched, but Kaiba has made his revenge on Heck, Larxene, and Bakura.
How might these enemies seek to discomfit them in the future?
- There’s probably more hacking and corporate espionage in his future. Obviously, Kia hasn’t allowed him an opportunity to get her yet, and he’s still on the Island. Gozaburo will probably haunt him for the rest of his life, but the man is probably completely gone after his defeat in virtual reality.
What valuable or important contacts do they have?
- He speaks to Cissnei quite often, as well as Atem. He also talks to Yuugi, usually on subjects related to Atem or on dueling. At home, he has his right hand man Isono, as well as his security team. But none of them are allowed particularly close.
How did they come to know them?
- She hacked his post, aka - beat him at something
Which person(s) or group(s) are they most loyal to?
- His brother. Anyone else can be dropped whenever it suits him, though he doesn’t particularly like to do it. As time goes on, it’s becoming less and less likely that he’s going to leave Atem to fail either.
List any past serious relationships that they have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).
- None. Canon isn’t really conductive to that sort of thing, and he’s functionally asexual until you really get in his face and make him think about it.
How do they think others generally perceive them?
- Powerful, frightening. He wants them to fall for the image he’s created for himself.
If someone crossed their path, what would they do?
- He’d probably walk right into them, and snarl. Nobody gets in Kaiba Seto’s way.
Who is their most trusted ally?
- His brother, though when he’s not available Kaiba is more likely to depend on Atem, then Cissnei. Since Yuugi has saved Mokuba before, he gets a little bit of trust, though Kaiba wouldn’t go out of his way to seek him out for help or anything.
Who do they trust, in general?
- His brother. In general, nobody.
Who do they despise and why?
- Lol everybody. He’s not fond of people and doesn’t trust them. He’s also a businessman, and sees them more as numbers or statistics rather than individuals.
Name several things they hate in others.
- Stupidity, immaturity, disloyalty, exuberance, pity
Is their image consistent?
- It’s very carefully tailored, so yes.
Do different people see them in similar ways?
- Definitely
Do they deliberately present themselves differently in different situations, and how?
- When he’s in public, he’s the scary CEO. But he’s not always like that around his brother, or even when he’s dueling. He gets much more passionate when the cards are in his hand, and flashes a bit more emotion.
What would they die for?
- Mokuba.
Who would they go to extremes for?
- Mokuba again, though Atem’s starting to creep up there.
Who do they turn to when they're in trouble?
- Nobody. He toughs it out on his own, though usually Atem and the Yuugi-tachi show up to save his ass.
What is the worst thing someone has done to them?
- Mental and physical abuse for years.
What is their general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets them know they are available?
- If it’s really subtle, he won’t notice. If it’s really obvious, he’ll probably put them down in the most horrible and public way possible. Anything in between just gets ignored.
How do they get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?
- He bosses people around and is very assertive. That said, he’s successful enough to get away with it.
How can they be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?
- There’s a reason people kidnap Mokuba all the time. Nothing else will work. Sometimes you might be able to get him to do something by stealing his Blue Eyes White Dragon cards, but that’s much harder.
Have they lost any loves?
- No.
How did they handle the situation (short & long term)?
- N/A
Who would miss them should they go missing?
- Mokuba definitely. Atem would miss his rival. Isono has probably missed his boss terribly back at home. Maybe more, but Kaiba doesn’t know/care about them.
Who might protect them?
- Isono and Cissnei get paid to do it. Mokuba might try. Atem, definitely. Probably Usagi, Kagome, or any of the other hero types on Salkia.
Who might be convinced to sell them out?
- Everybody save Mokuba, but Kaiba doesn’t give his secrets out for a reason.
How close are they to their friends?
- He doesn’t acknowledge having any friends.
What do they know about them?
- N/A
What do they not know about them?
- N/A
Do they live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)?
- He offically lives with whoever Kia puts him with on Salkia, but he usually just stays in the back room of the arcade, so no. Unless Atem is visiting or Mokuba is around.
Are they a member of any special interest groups?
- Nope.
What is their level of involvement?
- N/A
What is their current status with local law-enforcement?
- At home, he’s untouchable. Domino City lets its teen billionaire do whatever he pleases. On Salkia…well, everyone thinks he’s a bit of a jerk, and he does ‘illegal’ things, but he’s never been threatened with arrest or anything.
Do they have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities?
- Kaiba does what he pleases. No matter what the authorities want, on Salkia or in Japan.
Do they have a file with local, national or international law enforcement?
- If he has one in Domino, it’s one he planted himself to keep the cops away.

Do they, or did they, have any role models?
- Gozaburo was and still is a role model. Kaiba wanted to be as powerful and strong as he was when he was a kid, and that hasn’t really change. He just didn’t approve of what the man was selling.
Do they have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend?
- Not really, unless idolizing the Blue Eyes White Dragon counts.
If so, have they ever met them?
- The three cards are in his deck, and he’s got some shiny holograms?
Did they ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?
- The first BEWD he got his hands on turned against him in a penalty game. Then they got defeated straight up. So…that was pretty disheartening.
Do they have any dreams or ambitions?
- Well, he’s gotten KaibaLand off the ground. So right now, he wants to get off of Salkia, and make sure Mokuba grows up right. He’d also like very much to get his Duel Monsters title back.
If not, why?
- N/A
What are their short term goals (what would they like to be doing within a year)?
- GET OFF SALKIA. Get Atem and Cissnei back with him.
What are their long term goals (what would they like to be doing twenty years from now)?
- Seeing Mokuba off to University, continuing Kaiba Corporaton’s growth, destroying all of the weapons he made for his step father. Marrying his long term boyfriend.
If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with their dreams, how do they reconcile the differences?
- Goals that are necessary always come first. Mokuba always comes first. His priorities always stem from those ranking systems.
How do they seek to fulfill these dreams, goals, & ambitions?
- He does whatever it takes, right up to risking his own life. Kaiba is very determined.
Do they have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?
- He smothers all his outward fears, but he still doesn’t really like to be touched, and he will never ever allow a collar around his neck. Losing Mokuba or anyone he cares about.
What, if anything, would it take for them to be able to overcome this?
- Therapy, maybe. But not likely.
How do they react when this fear manifests itself?
- He gets very tense, maybe gets a bit more snappish or defensive. That’s it. As far as losing Mokuba or anyone he cares about…he’ll go to extremes to retrieve them.
Are they willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?
- Never.
What are their attitudes regarding material wealth?
- It’s a means to an end. He’s done really well materially, but he values it as a source of power, not as something to be sought on its own. He wouldn’t be that excited about winning the lottery or anything.
Are they miserly with their share of the wealth, or do they spend it freely?
- He’s willing to spend generously when it’s necessary. But he doesn’t go buying everything in sight.
Are they greedy or generous?
- Er…neither?
Do they see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?
- A little bit of both. Money gets you power, but it’s the most obvious way for people to tell you are powerful.
How do they generally treat others?
- Distainfully.
Do they trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?
- He doesn’t trust at all.
Are they introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?
- He seems very extroverted when he’s dueling or calling the shots at Kaiba Corporation, but in reality he’s very private and very quiet.
Are they a humble soul or blusteringly proud?
- Blusteringly proud.
Do they act differently than they feel (concealing their true thoughts)?
- Oh yes. Gozaburo trained a good poker face on him. He could be furious, and you might not know it.
What habits would they find most annoying in friends?
- Behaving like a human, idk. He doesn’t have any friends.
Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which they are strongly prejudiced, and why?
- He’s not very impressed with people who inherited their positions without earning them. People who are really religious aren’t his favorites either. People who are into things that he doesn’t consider real.
How do others typically react to them?
- They’re often scared or at least intimidated by him. After that passes, they get angry or frustrated.
Why, in their opinion, do they act that way?
- They’re weak.
What are their most annoying habits?
- He grunts or stays quiet when others might speak, which some might find annoying. He’s sarcastic and likes to bring people down, no matter how they treat him.
What is their favorite food?
- Beef filet.
What is their favorite drink?
- Coffee. He lives off the stuff.
What is their favorite treat (dessert)?
- He really doesn’t indulge, but on the very very rare occasions that he does, you might be able to catch him with dark chocolate. Anything coffee-flavored is okay. He’ll also eat fruit, especially small bite size things.
Do they favor a particular cuisine?
- Western, considering his taste for steak and coffee.
Do they savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" their food?
- He’s unable to wolf down his food. Headcanon says and his background implies that mealtimes were extremely uncomfortable for him. Gozaburo used to play his worst mind games around meal times, usually keeping Seto from eating, or making him do things for the right. As a result, Kaiba spent years barely eating, and has adapted to it. He’s unable to eat much because he’s not used to it, and also because of the mental issues from the previous abuse. He often forgets about it in favor of work as well.
Do they like food mild or heavily spiced?
- Since he has such difficulties with eating, blander is probably better.
Are there any specific foodstuffs that they find disgusting or refuse to eat?
- Oden. He’s wary of overly sweet things. Fast food (though this might just be because the people he’s seen eating it eat so badly) disgusts him.
Are they allergic to any food?
- No.
What are their favorite colour(s)?
- He favors white, black, and blue specifically. Metallics and other cool colors are good too. Maybe crimson
Is there any colour that they dislike?
- He doesn’t wear many warm colors.
Do they have a favorite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?
- He doesn’t have time to listen to music, and never developed a taste for it. Classical is tolerable because he can ignore it, and if he did listen to music he’d probably like techno.
What is their favorite song?
- N/A
If they have a favorite scent, what is it?
- Sterile metal, industrial smells, Mokuba. Atem
What is their favorite type of animal?
Do they have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?
- BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON FOREVER. It’s his pride and soul.
Is there a certain type of animal that they hate or fear?
- Nope. Fucking kuribohs.
Are they allergic to any kinds of animals?
- Nope.
Do they have any allergies?
- Not that we know of.
Is there anything that enrages them?
- FAILURE. Losing. Any threat to what is his.
Is there anything which embarrasses them?
- Not in public. In private, he might get thrown off by certain social behavior.
How do they react to being teased about it?
- He might glare or snap back with something nasty.
Do they enjoy "roughing it", or do they prefer their creature comforts?
- He sacrificed a lot to gain what he has, so he’s not going to give it up. That said, he’s very capable of roughing it when he has to.
Do they believe in the gods?
- Absolutely not.
Do they have a patron deity?
- Set and his chaos and storms (as well as his name) probably suits him, not that Kaiba would believe it.
Are they devout or impious?
- Religion isn’t even in his radar.
Do they actively worship and proselytize or do they simply pay lip service?
- He doesn’t bother with it.
What lengths would they go to defend their faith?
- He has none, though he would proclaim to the death that man makes his own destiny.
Was their faith influenced or molded by anyone special?
- His experiences. No one stepped in and saved them when his parents died. No one cared when Gozaburo treated them the way he did. The only thing that made a difference was Seto’s own actions.
Do they belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?
- He wouldn’t go anywhere near a church.
How has this impacted their faith and life?
- N/A
Is their church an accepted religion where they grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?
- N/A
How did this affect their faith and life?
- N/A
Have they ever been persecuted for their faith?
- Sometimes he’s a mild persecutor. He will challenge anybody who barks about their faith in his presence.
If so, when and how did they handle it?
- N/A
Can they kill?
- Oh yes.
When did they decide (or learn) that they could?
- He drove (but didn’t do the deed himself) his stepfather to jump out an office window.
What happened and how did they handle it?
- He won their game. Gozaburo jumped while he watched. He took over the company and didn’t look back.
When do they consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?
- Protecting what is his, extreme revenge, to take care a problem that cannot be permanently dealt with any other way.
When do they consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?
- He doesn’t approve of killing children. (Kia has excluded herself from that.)
What would they do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances, what would be their reaction?
- If it was Mokuba, they wouldn’t be able to escape. Anyone else? …Eh.
What if it were their enemy?
- Awesome, but how powerful does that make the killer?
What if it were their friend?
- He wouldn’t intervene unless it was Atem.
What if it were an innocent?
- They were too stupid to get out of the way.
What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?
- Too weak to get themselves out of the situation.
What would they do if someone shot at (attacked) them?
- He’d attack back until the opponent was defeated.
What would they do if something were stolen from them?
- Get it back, then retaliate.
What would they do if they were badly insulted publicly?
- Probably make everyone completely ignore it by throwing out an even better insult.
What would they do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?
- He’d go after the culprit and wouldn’t stop until they were destroyed.
What is the one task they would absolutely refuse to do?
- Harm his brother.
What do they consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?
- Abandoning their family.
How do they feel about government (rulers) in general?
- He’s above them.
Why do they feel that way?
- He’s got the money, the power, and there aren’t any laws on Salkia and no authority to enforce it.
Do they support the current government of their homeland?
- In Japan, as long as they don’t bother him, he won’t bother them. There is none on Salkia.
If so, how far are they willing to go to defend the government? If not, do they actively oppose it?
- Nope, Government is on their own. If they try to interfere with his business, they’re in trouble.
Do they belong to an anti-government organization?
- No.
If so, describe the group and its aims.
- N/A
What form of government do they believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?
- He doesn’t care, as long as it doesn’t interfere with what he’s doing.
Have they ever been persecuted for their political stance?
- No.
If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected them?
- N/A
Are they a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?
- No.
If so describe it, its goals, and membership.
- N/A
How loyal are they to this group and why?
- N/A
How did they become a member?
- N/A
If they are a former member, did they leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?
- N/A
Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?
- N/A
Are they being sought or hunted by the organization?
- N/A
If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder they, to force their return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on they and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?
- N/A
Do they have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?
- Oh yes.
If so, describe them and how they acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.
- He makes dominant gestures often, speaks boldly, grunts, and is very very very sarcastic. Most of it comes from his childhood abuse, or from what he needs to do to gain control in a meeting of businessmen much older than he is.
How do they react if made fun of for any of these things?
- Throw back an even worse insult.
Do they have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?
- He knits his fingers together when he’s thinking, and likes to glare and smirk. He gets tense when he’s worried or stressed.
If so, are there any reasons behind them from their past?
- He stays quiet because of his past training, but other than that, not really.
Do they have an unusual gait or accent?
- He walks like he’s in charge.
If so, where did they acquire them?
- He’s the big bad CEO and has to look like it.
Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?
- He walks the same way all the time. There’s no relaxation in his frame.
How do they feel and react if made fun of for any of these things?
- He always strikes back.
What place would they most like to visit?
- He travels a lot for work, so he’s kind of numbed to it.
What (if any) are their favorite forms of art?
- Kaiba doesn’t have time to bother with it…but he does like anything that shows the Blue Eyes White Dragon in all its pride.
What is their most treasured possession?
- His card locket, with a picture of Mokuba inside.
What things could he/ she not live without?
- That card locket, and also his computer.
Do they have a good luck charm?
- Kaiba insists that he doesn’t rely on luck.
If their life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would they do in those remaining hours?
- Check on his will to make sure it’s tamper proof, spend some time with Mokuba, duel with Atem one last time, hand over his BEWD cards to the person most worthy of them, and do whatever he could to make sure there are no more KC weapons available.
Do they have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can they see shades of grey?
- Shades of gray hedging towards black. Kaiba never trusts that a person is completely good or honest. Nothing is really the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ thing to do every time.
Do they prefer to tear down or build up?
- Tear down
Are they deliberate or spontaneous?
- Very deliberate. Stuff happening that isn’t supposed to might throw him off a little.
Do they prefer the town or the country?
- The big city.
If made to decide, would they rather be deaf or blind? Why?
- Deaf. He needs his eyes to work on computer code or in his virtual reality. Those holograms are as much art as science.
How do they feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?
Do they remember their dreams?
- He only ever has nightmares when he sleeps at all.
Describe a typical dream they might have.
- N/A
Describe their worst nightmares.
- The one Atem gave him, where he was being killed by Duel Monsters, pops up sometimes. His memories of Gozaburo come up. Losing Mokuba. Losing Atem post Salkia.


meme, ooc

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