Strategy 37 - Just keeps getting better and better [Accidental Video Post]

Oct 22, 2009 22:22

[The L337POD's clicked on. Why, do you ask? Well, because somebody's taken a page out of Cissnei's book and thrown it hard against the wall. It's landed crooked, so you can see a dark and fuzzy picture of Kaiba cinching the last belt on his arm, then pulling his white trench on roughly. There's a balled up pile of clothing on his bed, looking suspiciously like a costume of some sort, though you can't really see what it is.]

They can do little else worse to me. I refuse to look like a fool further, especially now. Old bastard already tried years ago...and it will be a cold day in hell before anyone could outmatch him for cruelty. Try harder, fools.

[He picks up the ball of clothing and chucks it out the window. He then turns, for the first time you can see his face, and picks up the Duel Disk, deck of cards, and laptop in its carrier. He heads toward the door, before sighing and turning towards the L337Pod. His hand covers it briefly when he picks it up, before you get a close up of his face. He curses, noticing it's on.]

...Ninja. If one machine is moved or the take is off from projections in the arcade, I will hold you personally reponsible.

[He growls, and suddenly the L337POD is moving rapidly, and you hear a loud smack against the wall, where the L337POD shuts off abruptly.]

pmsing, i hate birthdays, kaiba is pissed, halloween

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