Week Six Winner!

Sep 23, 2006 21:02

Here's a nice quick way for me to round-up this week...

1. Inicio (Beginning) by vacivity
2. Lluvia (Rain)
3. Reglas (Rules)
4. Café (Coffee)
5. * (Ending) by vacivity

6. Escape (Runaway)
7. Celos (Jealousy)
8. Religión (Religion) by vacivity
9. Piano (Piano)
10. * (Hangover) by emothy

11. Caramelo (Candys) by vacivity
12. Espinas (Thorns)
13. Piel (Skin) by emothy
14. Licor (Liquor) by emothy
15. *

16. Insecto (Insect)
17. Pimienta (Pepper)
18. Escalera (Stairs) by emothy
19. Conejo (Rabbit)
20. *

21. Sangre (Blood) by emothy
22. Triangulo (Triangle) by vacivity
23. Cartas (Letters/Cards)
24. Humillación (Humilliation)
25. *

26. Pistola (Guns)
27. Miedo (Fear)
28. Música (Music)
29. Salida (Outing)
30. *

That's five fics from myself, and five from vacivity, but since she finished first... ;)

Well done Cyn, you're catching up to me; won twice now too! And next week's prompts will be up soon I'm sure :)
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