Jan 14, 2006 22:38

So yeah. It's been a long time since I've updated this thing. I'm not doing anything at the moment so I've got some time. This following week is going to be filled with reviewing and studying for finals, which in other words means MORE STRESS. Not fun, at all.

The sun was out today. It was superr pretty. I loved it. I wish it was like that everyday though. It's been gloomy and depressing outside for the past two weeks. Ugh, I wanna move. Somewhere where it's nice and sunny. Somewhere where it's pretty all the time. I'll bring my friends and we'll have fun enjoying eachother's company. We'll hang around outside, doing whatever we want and we won't ever be dissapointed because it'll never be cloudy. Yeah, that'd be nice.

I saw the preview for that TRISTAN&ISOLDE movie for the millionth time this week. I really wanna see it. I'll ask Bianca to come with me because me and her die for movies like that. I haven't seen her in forever, so it'd be fun. Plus, James Franco is reallyy pretty, hahaha.
KellyBailiff + Me = BestFriends for like, everrrr.
I seriously love my best friend. I'd probably go stupid without her. I talked to her on the phone last night and this morning. Yes, be jealous. =] I love our conversations. No matter what, they always make me happy, even when I'm at my worst. She's really one of those people who just make my day no matter what. I dunno, hahaa. I just love her. We're planning another movie night. I'm excited. This time, we won't yell "DIECRACKWHOREDIEE!" at the television though. LMAO.

I watched TheParentTrap earlier. I miss that movie, hahaha. It's definantly one of my favorites. It's weird though. Everything from the 90's [like movies and songs] makes me really happy. I've been listening to Donna Lewis and Wilson Phillips like crazy, hahaha. I love it though. =]

Is it weird to wanna go out for a walk right now, even if it's below zero and really dark? Psssh, I don't.

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