Well, I've got the typical Sunday night thing going on, this time in the form of a stomachache. It's always something. But as long as I stay quiet and sip at my tea, I feel okay. Getting up and moving around, not so much.
I've gotten a lot done today, most of it before 10 am. Laundry, clearing the dining room table of the crap it tends to accumulate. Trash taken out. I was supposed to grill a steak tonight, but I'm not feeling much like eating and certainly not steak, so I guess it'll keep until tomorrow evening. Bunch of other cooking got done yesterday though, I have lunches for the week, I think. Ripped and burned some DVD's today, too. Didn't bring any work home over the weekend so all my time has been truly mine, yay!
I'm really starting to get my collective shit together and it feels good. Too many years of being in survival mode is starting to fade.
I'm still being Cuba, more or less and not venturing too far for opinions on the ep. I'm just happier that way.
High points for me in no particular order:
-It's the classic Indiana Jones-type ep. I'm a sucker for those. Daniel gets to do his thing and everyone else contributes. Very teamy.
-The Vala-Daniel interplay was toned down. Don't get me wrong I like Vala and Daniel together, like in Company of Thieves, but I also like it to be changed up. If they need to split up the team, let's not always have the same people paired together. This time Vala spent some screen time with each team member in turn. Nice! Loved her clinging to Cam's backpack in the temporal maze thing.
-Daniel jumping to Sam's defense, instantaneously. It was like a knee-jerk reaction for him.
-Sam telling Adria and Ba'al to 'get a room'. Hee!
-How everyone contributed some answers to the challenges. That was nice.
-Daniel determining that the fire challenge was faith and just walked right in. Geez. And he looks good kinda flushed and sweaty, doesn't he?
-That there are now dragons in the Stargate canon. Cool. I've seen a lot of bitching that the CGI dragon sucked, but I really didn't notice on first viewing. On subsequent viewing, I agree, it could be better, but it didn't totally suck. I've seen much, much worse.
-Finally, I loved the dialog between Adria and Daniel at the plinthe or whatever was supposed to hold the Sangraal. Him calling her on being powerless, which I honestly hadn't picked up on and his "I guess I'm not as true in spirit as you thought I was." Oh! And his quiet "Yeah", when she asked him if he really wanted to challenge her.
-I'm loving the tension between Daniel and Adria. They have an... interesting chemistry. Not sexual, but something.
-I really enjoyed seeing the Atlantis crew on Earth.
-The goodbyes between John, Ronon and Teyla were touching, each in their own way.
-Zalenka and Rodney discussing their Earthside options, none of which seemed to excite them
-Loved John's office and the telephone call between him and Rodney.
-The dinner out. Beckett's concern for Liz.
-Beckett's wee baby turtles! John says they make good eating, which tells me he's either lived or served in some interesting places. And no, no one eats wee baby turtles. They pretty much only eat really big-ass nasty turtles.
-And yeah, the end is kind of a reprise of SG-1's Within the Serpent's Grasp, but dude, that's still one of my classic SG-1 favorites, so I don't blame them. Loved them all skulking through the SGC and stealing the jumper. John 'hanging up' on Landry. Ouch!
So much for Sci-Friday. Really bummed that we won't get to see the conclusion for such a long time.
In other news, I spent a good deal of today doing research for the SemiDark!SG-1 fic that's infected my brain.
Arduinna's Stargate Handbook is just a fabulous resource if, say, you need to know what planet they went to in a particular ep. She's got every planet ever even mentioned in there, so yeah, so very valuable for this kind of thing.
Gateworld is great if I need to figure out which season an ep happened in (because, dude, it's been almost 10 years!) or in what order events occurred.
Okay, over and out folks...