I enjoyed this Season premier more than most others.
FIRST off, wow to the Teyla dream John had before he regained consciousness. I've never had any strong feelings one way or another about that pairing, but I liked it.
Right off the bat, I adored Lorne for his snark at Rodney. Though later, Rodney showed appropriate concern for Lorne and his broken leg. Lorne does great pain.
Then on to Ronon and Sheppard. Sheppard has a serious injury. It was kind of hard to see, but apparently he was impaled in the side by something. Ow. I really loved John doing the quiet, intense voice. It was very believable that he was dealing with a serious injury throughout the whole ep. Excellent job. I'm sure some will see him as being heroic, but I didn't really see it that way. He was just very intense and focused. Loved it when he grabbed Keller's arm.
Loved Ronon and John preparing to die before being taken by the hybrids.
Actually everyone rocked in this ep. Caldwell was great, too.
Adored that it was Rodney who delivered Teyla's baby. I'd actually been spoiled for that from an ad that probably only aired once or twice on Sci Fi, but it was far better in its entirety. Adored John bringing the baby on his lap in the Dart.
I realized in that moment, that the entire team supported Teyla in her birth and aftermath. Ronon carried her. Rodney 'caught' the baby (after some truly hysterical comments that showed just how little he knew about it). John flew the baby away from Michael's ship on his lap, everyone else in the Dart buffer. Loved it when Caldwell asked him about it. John's voice was calm and I... just loved the emo interraction. It was nice.
So. Teyla and her baby were a team effort, which made me squee. Then we get a final dose of potential Teyla/John when she names her son after both her father and John. Yes, John is the baby's middle name. Rodney is going to be so pissed.
I am wondering if they left Kanan behind. We didn't see him in Atlantis, but we didn't see Ronon either and of course, he was there.
Finally, Sam just rocked it. Totally and completely. She was in full, glorious command mode and I loved everything about her. I also felt real joy when John told her just how much he respected her, but that he had to go on the mission to rescue Teyla. He'd surrender for court marshal later. That just felt... necessary - for John to tell her that. Again, it was in this very quiet, intense voice. I get the sense that he just didn't have the strength to be loud. But then John has a tendency to get quietly intense anyway. There was just something different about it here.
Oh, and there's one scene where it simply doesn't look at all like John. When he asks Kanan to hand over his weapon. The voice was right, but... something wasn't right about his face and hair. It was probably just lighting, but it almost looked as if it was a look-alike. Stand-in or something. Freaky. I ran it back a few times and it just didn't look right. Then again, Flanigan looked subtlely different anyway. Don't know if it was the injury look or what.
So. I very much enjoyed. It will remain to be seen if I enjoy the rest of the season or not, but this was a very satisfying resolution to last season's cliffhanger.