10 happy things meme

Jan 25, 2008 11:58

Gakked from pepper_field and holdouttrout.

1. I called Recruiter and the Company I interviewed with on Tuesday liked me as much as I liked them. Hurrah!

2. New TV has a really great picture. I've watched a couple of DVDs on it and I'm very pleased.

3. In a fit of organization, I offloaded ALL of my old VHS tapes. I live in a fairly small townhouse and getting rid of them freed up a lot of space.

4. In the same fit, I moved my media rack out to the living room and put all my DVDs on it. It's kind of a crappy rack, but it's a place for my box sets, etc. live for now.

5. I feel good. Actually *really* good. I think the stress from my last job was really doing a number on my body. Every day this week, I've gotten up, gotten dressed and done things. This may not sound like much, but the temptation to laze around all day when I don't have a job is huge. Go me!

6. I got a beef brisket on markdown at the grocery store. It's a good piece of meat to make a lovely stew out of. I'll do it in the slow cooker this weekend and have food for days. I love stew.

7. zats_clear pimped this beautiful vid. I've watched it about 4 times this morning and I just really love it. Has a very cool haunting feel to it. Daniel, SG1 and Atlantis in a kind of organic meld.

8. I had a great idea for covering my damaged couch just a little while ago! One that will work well with the color scheme (if you can call it that) that I already having going. Yippee!

9. SGA tonight!

10. In celebration of receiving my unemployment check, I have Flying Dog Porter. I'll have one while I watch SGA.


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