ETA: D'oh! I suck at remembering people's important dates.
Happy Birthday
I haven't sent anything yet - hope to find something special at DC!
It's finally sunk in that I'm leaving for Atlanta tomorrow night!
With that in mind, I went back to Hellmart today to pick up everything I forgot yesterday.
And... apparently a few pounds have dropped off recently. The gal at the checkout commented about being on the 'Bad Marriage Diet'. Personally, bad relationship stuff generally makes me gain weight as I stuff my face in consolation. But it looks like 60 hour weeks and incredible work stress makes me lose.
I bought two new bras in a band size smaller than usual. This was purely accident as I couldn't remember the size of the last ones. Fit fine. Room to spare, even. Huh. Today I tried on a couple of things. All were too big and I couldn't find a smaller size. Hmmm. It's a shame, I really liked the black suede-look skirt, but it was way too big. Also, I really don't need a new skirt for the con.
In truth, the black jeans I tried on were only a *little* too big, but they promised to make me look slimmer. Uh-huh. Not so much. I looked pretty much the same as I look in the two pairs of black jeans I already own. No need to spend money on that. So I bought some fun lounging pants instead. Very appropriate for my fandom ;) Also, surprisingly big on me, but that's fine for lounging pants.
Got highlighters for the schedule and different colored Sharpies because they might come in handy. Some metallic colored Sharpies for... I dunno, autographs? They seemed cool, so I bought 'em. I also bought a 1G memory card for the camera I'm borrowing. It was only $25 and I can either keep it for a camera I buy later, or give it to the guy for loaning it to me. It already has a 512k card in it, but it can take video too and I won't have a computer to d/l stuff to while I'm there. Must try getting the pictures to my computer. I have the cable, so I just need to test it.
Finally, my landlord is having my bathroom remodeled while I'm gone! This is something we've been trying to get done for a while now. It's great that I won't have to deal with the mess and inconvenience while they're here. But I'm a little stressed as I now must entirely clear out the bathroom before I go (I bought a big plastic bin for all the under-the-sink stuff) I'm hoping that this will be the first of several improvement projects as the place also needs new carpet and paint. But I'm thrilled to be coming home to a new bathroom! With none of the pain! How cool is that?
Okay, it's time for me to get down to serious business cleaning this place up. Parts of it aren't all that bad, but others are downright scary.
Eeee! I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow night and will be seeing all my buds soon!