Yes, I am 12

Jul 13, 2007 22:00

There's only one thing I don't like about Friday nights. I'm just so damn tired

But there's a little kid inside me who wants to stay up late just because I can. Except I've already been up since 4:30 am (which I actually didn't have to do, but whatever) and even a Grande Americano can't save me now.

I forget that I'm not 27 anymore, which sucks. Well, and I've been woefully short of sleep all week, so it's no surprise that it's catching up to me now. Most weeks aren't *this* bad. I can still usually get by on 6 or 7 hours a night for a long time, but shorten that up by much and after a few days I tire pretty quickly. Plus I was sick for awhile and that took more out of me than I'd like to admit. This has been the first week I've really felt like myself in probably a month or so.

But I want to write fic, or read fic or.... or anything but give up and crawl into bed.

I'm going to be a grownup now and crash.


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