
May 22, 2007 21:58

I am *really* cranky and bitchy today. Just really tired and overworked and pissed off at the slackers at work who can't seem to ever be able to work more than two days in a row. Grah! But then I said something to two co-workers (in my office) while I was frantically trying to get the data crap done this morning and... you guessed it. One of them squealed on me and I got in (mild) trouble for it. Shit. It could escalate into a big deal, but I refuse to think about that. I was assured that TPTB know who's busting their ass and who's slacking, but honestly, I'll believe it when I see it.

I worked almost 10 hours on Sunday, 11 1/2 yesterday and again today. I've gotten a good plan for the end of my sd_ficathon but haven't had a chance to even put down a few words. Hopefully, it won't go on walkabout by the time I can make some notes. I just need to hold on until Friday. I'm taking the day off so I can extend the weekend to 4 days. Yay!

sage_theory wrote me a *really* lovely fic for the sd_ficathon, which brightened my day immensely! Left me with a very nice feeling. Thanks so much!

Here's hoping I'm less cranky tomorrow, or at least that I can keep my big mouth shut. Cripes. I'm really quite annoyed now with the co-worker who ratted me out, but D warned me, so I only have myself to blame.

rl, ficathon

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