Reading stuff

Feb 17, 2007 16:43

I went to Borders today to pick up a couple of books in The Desden Files series by Jim Butcher. It reminded me just how long it's been since I actually picked up a book. It's shameful.

Part of it is that I only have so much free time anymore. I can either lose myself in someone else's universe or my own. When I'm in a writing phase, I'll keep that story in my head constantly. Reading fiction would be a distraction. Yeah, I live in my head a lot.

I used to be a voracious reader, going through book after book. So it seems strange to me that I no longer read books that much. Granted, I read a fair amount of fan fiction, so that counts for something. I discovered X-Files fan fiction at a time when I barely had enough money to live, much less buy books. But I rarely tackle long-format fanfic. I got burned early on to novel-length fics.

About 7 or 8 years ago, I remember thinking that I'd spent most of my life reading. I was now ready to write. So, I did. Haven't written much original stuff, but I've done a little

The Borders near me suprised me with what they now have. Manga is mainstream now, having it's own section along with parental warnings. And I found a whole section dedicated to supernatural romance, which was sort of cool even though I wasn't in the mood for it. I tend to go to the bookstore to scratch a particular itch and find nothing else really appeals to me.

All this did get me thinking if fanfiction might somehow spoil me for reading honest-to-god books. For me, fanfiction is like a quick fix. Longer novels require an investment of time and faith that the author will finish up the story in a manner I feel pleasing. But I also think that a number of things soured me on physical books too. Laurell K. Hamilton for one. I got sick and tired of paying money for books when they're poorly written and executed. I was also seriously traumatized by a book and author I've blotted from my memory. I know, it sounds stupid, but it happened. It really fucking freaked me out and not in a scary sense. In a horrible, evil, non-magical sense. I don't think I could read a book for almost a year after that. Even now, the memory of it still stops me dead.

Anyway, The Dresden Files television series has piqued my interest enough to give the books a try. I'm a sucker for a series. I love to be able to read new adventures of characters I love. It's kind of like fanfiction that way.


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