
Nov 23, 2007 12:16

         Happy Thanksgiving! Ok so it's a day late....I think. Japan doesn't really celebrate least not like America does. :/ Carol and I were pretty bummed about it- you know how nostalgia goes.... So Hideo actually spends like 6 hours in the kitchen fixing us a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, just like in America! :D We even had Pampi and Haku over to celebrate with us. It was so awesome. We could believe that Hideo did that for us. Oh and Namu too. He went out and bought all the food while Carol and I were out shopping.
          Later, Pampi took Haku out to play with some of her friends, Anzu and MJ. She said something about trying to make him realize how much he has to be thankful for. He seems pretty bummed all the time and not very social, but he's really opened up since he's met Pampi. They make such an adorable couple. I sure wish they'd get together or something. Hideo told me that Haku's pretty anxious when Pampi's not around, like she's become his security blanket or something. It's so sweet. Pampi can teach him so much. She can teach the world so much. I can't believe how much she and I have bonded since I've met her a year ago. She was so annoying at first, but she's totally different now. Your perspective of people sure does change once you get to know them, that's for sure.
          Ok getting slightly off topic there, but anyway, Christmas is coming up. I hate being single on Christmas, dammit. >:/ Over here, it's bad luck. >_>;; But for the past couple of years, Hideo and Namu have been playing me and Carol's dates for the holidays.... If only they knew...*sigh* I'm going to try and convince Haku to be Pampi's holiday date. I know I can do it. Because I'm good like that. :D
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