So how many blogs does one girl need? Apparently one more. Sometimes I want to slap all my friends and sing "Come together right now!" I am really trying to keep in touch with everyone and it doesn't help that all of you have your blogs in different places. It's all good though. I'm a blabber mouth. I should be able to fill space pretty easily. I may have a weekly drawing on where I will post for the week. I'm spying on you everywhere...it's only right that you spy on me. I can pretty much guarantee I'll stay away from myspace though. That place drives me crazy. I hate it when I click on a page and there is some annoying music going on. Good music is okay...bad music isn't. Some of my posts here may be kept private/for friends because this is the best place for me to come and complain about customers and people in general. It's better if a customer doesn't find all that. heh! To tell the honest truth, Livejournal was the first place I ever blogged. I ended up taking it down though because of some people I wanted to get rid of. I'm so kind.
Anyway, if you want to jump on board, here's the blog I use the most:
http://shutterbun.blogspot.com/ Alright peeps...keep in touch and beware of wondering eyes. ;)