May 06, 2005 19:51
Wow. School is almost over. May snuck up on me... it didn't sneak up on Dennis though. He's petrified of failing his OWLs. He has these new hypnotic flash cards, so I have to keep apologising to everybody when he bumps into them. Then whe-
I just forgot what I was going to write. Professor Moody's tiny surveillance teacups keep flying past the windows. What's a teacup going to see anyway? They don't even have eyes as far as I can tell. Still better than a pack of dementors, but- Oh. That makes me wonder if they are going to keep us here after the term? All this security and then we just get sent home in June? Doesn't sound very sharp to me. Now I sound like Zacharias.
Maybe everyone's just here to protect Harry, and he's leaving for good in June. Seems like next year will be... sad with so many people from the DA gone. Maybe Dumbledore will make me prefect again. I said I was sorry...