I was thinking of the
ww_stockings fest today and realized that a reason why I enjoyed it so much was because I liked the offered prompts + creating a story for the prompter. I know that I have a number of stories drafted, but I saw
lauriestein originally post this, and decided I wanted to do it (plus I'll need some help for shorter stuff once I start plotting the long fic). So comment away (I'd like to keep it to one prompt per letter), and I will keep this post and aim to complete the 26 stories by the end of the year (I know that's a long way away, and I'll probably finish before that, but I wanted to give myself a buffer, just in case).
Below is a listing of the alphabet. Please comment with a letter of your choice (that has yet to be chosen), a word that starts with that letter, and a fandom character/pairing. I will then attempt to write a fic from the word and pairing you choose.
Fandoms/Characters (or pairings) I will write for:
The West Wing:
Single characters--Josh, CJ, Toby, Sam, Donna, POTUS, Leo, Ainsley, Will (could combine two or more to make a Gen. or friendship request)
Pairings--Josh/Donna, Josh/Joey, Josh/Amy, Sam/Ainsley, Donna/Cliff, CJ/Danny, CJ/Simon, Sam/Mallory, Toby/Andy
Studio 60:
Single characters--Danny, Matt, Jordan (could combine two or more to make a Gen. or friendship request)
So write up a comment with e.g. CJ/Simon, S is for Sharpshooter and I'll try to start on these soon.
A is for
B is for
C is for Cherry Blossoms for
magisterequitumD is for Drugs for
dipenatesE is for
F is for Firelight for
no_name_no1G is for
H is for Half-full for
sjoesI is for
J is for Jam for
hondagirllK is for
L is for Lost for
tokyo_girlieM is for Meeting for
batemanenrouteN is for Nowhere for
annapieO is for
P is for Persuasion for
lauriesteinQ is for Queen for
dallascowboys82R is for Red for
tidbit2008S is for Sonnets for
wrestlingdogT is for Tequila for
amy_119U is for Understated for
scullyishV is for Violin for
spyglass_W is for Writers' Room for
hwshipperX is for
Y is for
Z is for
P.S. Feel free to spread the news to friends who might be interested and don't exactly know me. I'm giving stories away for free here. ;)