West Wing Ficathon!

Sep 23, 2009 16:50

Oh, my God, you guys! Happened to come across this: A West Wing Tenth Anniversary Ficathon! I'm all excited! Now the only problem I'm having is trying to decide which prompt to take. (Prompts are all episode titles. The submitted story can be a missing scene, post-ep., an idea or concept based on the title that has nothing to do with the actual episode; it's very free in terms of guidelines.)

I'm torn between fic ideas for Noel, Evidence of Things Not Seen, Disaster Relief, In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, The Midterms (all the plot bunnies for these--except Disaster Relief--deal with Josh and the shooting), Memorial Day (Josh/Donna bunnies), Jefferson Lives, Constituency of One (Josh/Amy bunnies), and 20 Hours in L.A (Josh/Joey bunnies). I WONDER IF THERE'S A PATTERN. HMMMM. NAH, NOTHING TOO OBVIOUS. *ahem*

Part of the problem is that I have--oh, I don't know--a hundred or so plot bunnies that I can pick from (many more, obviously, than I pointed to above), and I just don't know what to pick. I have lots of Josh/Donna plot bunnies that are more late/post-series, but I figured I'd stick within the series itself for this ficathon, since it's more of a celebration of the canon that was released.

But, gah, I can't decide! Votes, anyone? I'm looking at you, amy_119, crashandburn (even though I think you said you rarely read fic), and joe_pike_junior. And anyone else who'd like to chime in.

Okay, back to studying. *tries like hell to focus*

tww fic talk

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