Hi there! Firstly, I so sorry I overlooked that credit to you. I recently did an overhaul of my whole journal, had all my credits noted, but forgot to credit for the mood theme. Figures that I remembered everything else. Gah. But it's there now, in my userinfo under "credits and nods". Sorry again, hon! Didn't mean to snub you; it got lost in the shuffle.
And, sure, I'll friend you! (I assume we're talking about friending each other, instead of just me friending you, since it's just more fun that way.) I noticed you were a law student! Very neat. I'm studying to get into law school myself. So hooray for double interests. =)
Don't worry about it, it's no biggie. :) I just thought I'd ask if you could credit me because I usually work on them for a while and it's just a nice way for others to see where it's coming from in case they might be interested in it too. Anyway, thank you for crediting me - I really appreciate it.
And yes, that is what I meant. I just always wait to add somebody in case their not interested in adding me. Besides, I think it's weird for people to just add me without them giving me time to consider adding them so when I ask somebody, I don't add the other person first. :D
Good luck with getting into law school! I'm at the end of my second year and currently obsess over my exam results, the remaining of which will be announced some time this week so I already apologize if I'm gonna talk about that quite a bit these days.
Ah, yes. Understood. Everyone has different feelings about friending etiquette. Better to be safe and cautious and polite.
Thanks! It's quite a stressful process. I'm studying for my LSAT exam now (which I'll be taking in February), and there's a lot of pressure to do well. Good luck with your exams. i don't mind hearing about those sorts of things. =)
Also, I'd really appreciate it if you could credit me for the moodtheme you're currently using.
And, sure, I'll friend you! (I assume we're talking about friending each other, instead of just me friending you, since it's just more fun that way.) I noticed you were a law student! Very neat. I'm studying to get into law school myself. So hooray for double interests. =)
And yes, that is what I meant. I just always wait to add somebody in case their not interested in adding me. Besides, I think it's weird for people to just add me without them giving me time to consider adding them so when I ask somebody, I don't add the other person first. :D
Good luck with getting into law school! I'm at the end of my second year and currently obsess over my exam results, the remaining of which will be announced some time this week so I already apologize if I'm gonna talk about that quite a bit these days.
Thanks! It's quite a stressful process. I'm studying for my LSAT exam now (which I'll be taking in February), and there's a lot of pressure to do well. Good luck with your exams. i don't mind hearing about those sorts of things. =)
I'm sure you'll be done fine! February seems to be so far away still, but I'm looking forward to hear about your progress until then.
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