My Favorite Things of 2012...

Dec 23, 2012 12:44

I know... It's been a LONG time since I've updated this thing. Between work, traveling, web work, more traveling... I've been a bit overwhelmed...

Wanted to do a quick re-cap of the year...

My Favorite Things of 2012:

  1. Most Surprising Moment

    One of my favorite performers, Levi Kreis calling me on my birthday this past January to sing me a glorious version of "Happy Birthday" definitely had me starting off the year on a VERY good note. He is a lovely, LOVELY person!!

  2. Straight Play Moment

    The day after the Tony Awards, I went to see PETER & THE STARCATCHER. When the cast came on stage for their opening formation, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause that lasted for at least 5 minutes and wouldn't stop. Seeing the faces of Celia Keenan-Bolger, Christian Borle, Adam Chanler-Berat, and Kevin Del Aguila as they reacted to the crowd was just an AMAZING moment, and one I will never forget!

  3. Musical Moment

    During the 500th performance of PRISCILLA on Feb 17th, Nick was unable to get out of the seatbelt on top of the BIG shoe before "Color My World." It was a cute moment as he pulled at the strap, shrugged to the backstage folks, and finally a stage hand came out to rescue him from the shoe (just in time for him to change and and make his re-entrance for "Color My World.") A very cute moment to see!

  4. Doug Moment

    I have two... Saying goodbye to Doug at the closing performance of CYRANO and his response to me... "Goodbye, my beauty." AHHHHH! I will ALWAYS remember that moment! 2nd favorite moment - Doug thanking me for a letter I'd written to him, "It really got me through my two show day." AHHHH!! Love. Him.

  5. Photo with Doug... <3

  6. Travel Moment

    Going through the "Daniel's Story - Remember the Children" exhibit at the National Holocaust Museum with my Mom in January... At the end, to see all the heartfelt and beautiful messages left by children for Daniel was extremely touching and made both Mom and I teary. It was just an incredible way to end our visit at the Holocaust Museum.

  7. Favorite Stage Door Photo (with someone other than Doug...)

    It's a tie:

    With Thomas Sadoski after "Other Desert Cities" in May

    With Matthew Rhys after "Look Back In Anger" in January

  8. LA Theatre Moment

    I'll admit, I didn't travel to LA this past year as much as I would've liked. But my favorite LA theatre moment was getting to speak with Kevin Odekirk after MISS SAIGON at La Mirada. He remembered me from A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC and joked with me about his next CD. He asked me if I had any suggestions of what should be on it. I told him, "You could sing the phonebook and I'd buy it!" He laughed and said, "I should do that!! Kevin sings the phonebook... I like it!" :D He is just the sweetest person. I adore him.

  9. Work Moment

    I don't have too many of these... but this year I actually have one. :) Winning the iPad mini at my department's Christmas Party earlier this month! WOOOO! I never win anything, so I was thrilled and SO surprised when I won the grand prize at the party! :) And I love my iPad mini! I take it everywhere with me. :D

  10. Most Fun Travel Moment With Friends

    The weekend in November I spent with Trish and her son Kevin! We had a glorious time eating, seeing Doug in CYRANO, having drinks at the Marriott! One of the most fun weekends I had in NYC all year!!

  11. Web Moment

    When Doug brought up to me that he wanted the site to be Official! He said that he always thought that it was... :) Best web moment of the year!! :)

  12. Food Moment

    I have to say, it was eating at the Melting Pot with Mark when we visited Maui in March of this year. OMG... My favorite meal of the entire year... I think. I'm still thinking about it...

  13. Favorite Discovery of 2012

    Brothers & Sisters... How could I not have known what an incredible show it was? Thanks to my newfound Matthew Rhys admiration (and my subsequent admiration of all things Welsh...), I began watching the series for the first time this year and LOVED it... :)

    It's been a GLORIOUS 2012 filled with WONDERFUL, wonderful moments!! Hope you all had a lovely 2012 as well! :) <3
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