память, однако!

Aug 25, 2014 18:20

Сегодня на почте была свидетельницей одной сцены. Старушка, которая еле передвигала ногами, обратилась за помощью к сотрудникам, можно ли воспользоваться их телефоном. И вот она звонит, видимо, сыну: "Алё, я тут потеряла ключи от машины и торчу на почте, можешь приехать меня забрать? А, на совещании, ну ладно, я сейчас *имя* позвоню". Кладет трубку ( Read more... )


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musjka_03 August 26 2014, 02:50:52 UTC
в чем риск?

Your existing cards sitting in your mail? And you do not see the risk? You mail has so much information - reconstruction of your identity, given the algorithms that exist out there - yes, there is a risk.

But the part where I dropped what I am doing and was trying to get to my computer (saw your comment on iPhone) - was where you suggested to keep passport out there. With passport, they do not need no algorithms for collecting your identity from pieces.

And speaking of simply credit cards sitting out there, in the vacuum, without mail... Even if the thief is lazy and won't go for full identity, are you particularly thrilled at a prospect of fighting with the bank regarding your stolen card? And what are you going to tell the bank? that you uploaded the image on the web???? I wouldn't be surprised if they simply won't pay your debt for you after that (that would be truly YOUR debt - you gave your card away, it was not stolen!), because you'd be not a victim of theft in this case, you's be a facilitator of theft.

Listen, let's not fight. I do not see a point in it. The stuff I am talking about is trivial and seems to be common knowledge. If you want to deny its triviality - it is certainly your right.

[Post Scriptum, or
About "common knowledge."
The other day, coach of my kids texted my 15 year old, saying that I didn't fill out the last 4 digits of their ss numbers on some camp form. My daughter is of course calling me asking what to do. I was hoping to avoid giving out the numbers, but it seems that it is not going to work this time and i'll have to put them on that darn form. So I explained my daughter where to get the numbers from, and I asked her to give the numbers to the coach. Couple of hours later, it strikes me... Cold sweat down my back, I am texting her "Did you call the coach and TELL the numbers or did you texted the numbers?" Text comes back: "Mom, who do you think I am, texting ss numbers, even partially???? Of course I called her and told her over the phone."]


kessil August 26 2014, 03:04:41 UTC
еще раз - после того, как я видела легкодоступность ВСЕЙ информации в госпитале, говорить о каких-то карточках смешно. И ваша дочь позвонила - а тренер записал эти цифры на бумажке, которая будет неизветно где валяться. Ну и в чем пойнт секретничать?

А насчет карточек - вы ими не пользовались, а уж как их украли и кто, это не ваша головная боль, банк все равно вернет деньги и пришлет новую карточку, если вы не авторизировали кого-то другого ей пользоваться. Почитайте мелкий принт - вы респансбл только если вы авторизировали кого-то (вписали в карту). Все остальное - проблемы службы безопасности банка, а не ваши


musjka_03 August 26 2014, 03:08:28 UTC
One thing is "bumazhka v papke" and another thing is the web. The web is seen by ANYONE and EVERYONE. A paper in the folder is seen by 3 or so people.

<< Все остальное - проблемы службы безопасности банка, а не ваши >>

Blazhen kto veruet. :-)

Udachi Vam.


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