Jan 29, 2007 22:33
1. Leave me a comment sayin', "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking ya five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Ya will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. Ya will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment askin' to be interviewed, ya will ask them five questions.
Fye's Questions
1) Who do you like the best of the people from your world who also ended up here?
2) Who do you wish would end up here the most?
3) Have you ever worn a leash?
4) What's your favorite food?
5) Chains, handcuffs or belts?
1- That's gotta be Atem, man. Kaiba's a prick and Bakura's just plain creepy.
2- Man, that's difficult, I wanna Yuug' to be here... but also I'm really worried for Shizuka..
3-.... no, man! DX
4- I like lotsa food! But my favourite it's definitely Curry!!
5- Uh? Belts, I guess.
Tamaki's Questions (only viewable to him >>)
1. If you wish for one thing, what would it be?
2. How far have you ever gone with someone?
3. What are your hobbies besides playing that card game?
4. Would you rather be here, or back in your home world?
5. Have you ever had a crush on anyone? ( I mean in any point in your life, not just recently~!)
1- To beat Kaiba's ass on a duel as many times as I would like to to make him finally shut up ;P
2- Hm, Third base, almost Home! *feels proud of that*
3- Dunno, man. Eat I guess, and probably pickin' fights with Kaiba, it's kinda fun sometimes.
4- Difficult question, this place has many good things, but I do miss my friends and my sister. I guess bein' home would be.
5- Yeah, twice I think.
That guy with the glasses' Questions
1. What language is your name from?
2. How old are you?
3. Hmm...I suppose I'm curious as to whether you had any abilities in your world?
4. If not, any special talents?
5. Who is that Kaiba fellow you constantly mention in your entries?
1- Japanese.
2- Eighteen now!
3- Habilities? Ya mean like super powers or somethin'? If it's that then no.
4- I am a really good card duelist!
5- A rich bastard with a very large stick up his ass.
That redhead's Questions
1. Do we know you?
2. What was your first wet dream about?
3. If you could, who would you have sex with?
4. Boxers, briefs, or commando?
5. Name your fetish.
1- Uh, I think not.
2- Don't remember... mebbe about a hot chick in the school or somethin'.
3- Now I dunno man, before I was seeing this chick but now I'm not interested in anyone.
4- Uh, boxers.
5- I don't have a fetish [OOC.- Not that he's aware of anyway >D]