Jun 02, 2005 21:00
Okay so Ryan asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow.. (Friday)
Then Tiffany IMs him and says, "Hey want to hang out"?
(And obviously since she didn't ask me to hang out she was planning on them hanging out alone)
So then hes like, "Well I have plans with Beth"... and shes like, "Well we can all hang out like last weekend"... and hes like, "well we're going on a date".. and shes like, "Oh, never mind.." and hes like, "No it's okay you're going". and I don't want to be rude and be like, No bitch, you can't go... I'm not going to say that.. its just not me. So whatever I went along with it.. I was like whatever.. then later I'm talking to her and shes like yeah so ryan can just pick us up after school.. they were talking and doing their little planning.. which i hate.. but whatever.. and then i was like, "well i kind of want to take a shower..and get all pretty". and i'm like "Whatever, you go home with him.. i'll ride the bus.. i'm getting my shower before we go out.. I go to gym and its gross.. I feel grody." and shes like, "no.. you can take a shower at his house." So I'm like, "Okay I will.".. and shes like, "No it's okay.. you can ride the bus home and he'll pick me up and when you're done you can call us and we'll come get you." She was really persistant on this too.. so I was like ehh no. So that kind of pissed me off.. and I told Ryan I'm grounded.. so they can hang out.. because I really don't feel like having my heart broken again when they flirt and do shit.. and I sit there and just take it. No, blow me bitches. So I'll probably go to baratts and play xbox or something like that. Lol.. what an exciting day that was supposed to be my date. Tiffany likes Ryan.. and I have a feeling he likes her.. I'm starting to get ticked off by every little thing that I'm observing about the two of them.. It pissed me off at the picnic too though when she was yelling at me because she was mad at me.. everyone has agreed with me and said she had no fucking reason to be pissed at me. If she was a good friend she wouldn't let herself get to the point of liking him. Hmm I wonder who said that lol.. you know who you are. Well I'm done writting.. I'm sick of thinking about this.. I just needed to get it out and off my chest.
So, speak your peace..