Feb 14, 2004 22:03
It seems that many people's life belongs to the realm of our reality only partly. A very large proportion of their life belongs to the imaginary world, world of the movies, TV shows, bands, singers, movie stars, etc.
What I just said is not new. However, I'd argue that nowadays there are more and more people (especially younger ones) for whom life of the characters from TV shows becomes more real and more important, more "massgebend" (Germ.) than their real life: their behavior, their attitudes and expectations are being shaped by that virtual reality to a larger degree than by THE reality.
There is nothing wrong with it per se. However, the true reality has frequently little to do with the virtual TV/movie world. In the past, people's view of the world was shaped by their environment and people in it. That helped young people adjust to the reality. Today, besides the environment and people in it, young people are exposed to the virtual environment and virtual people in it; this doesn't always help young people adjust to the actual reality. As a result, there is a mismatch/conflict between those young people's expectations and behaviors and between the real world. The real world wouldn't care less. The only problem is that those young people (will) suffer.