Apr 05, 2004 12:56
Wow, there’s so much to say about the last few days!
First and foremost, Sidonia’s wedding was amazing. She has never looked more beautiful in her entire life! Her dress was beautiful as well, she was just absolutely stunning. And, though we al knew that the wedding was constructed with limited funds, it came together SO well. Went off without a stitch. Though that doesn’t mean everything else worked out that we too!
We had to be there at 7:00 am to start decorating the American Legion. No biggie. I show up around 7:10 and there’s not a car there. So I’m like, alright, what the hell? Maybe I misunderstood and they’re all at the church first? So I drive to the church - no one there. So now I’m frustrated, so I go to Karen (Will’s Mom)’s house to find Kelly, Karen and Sidonia. Well, at least that’s something. Turns out everyone was up wildly drinking and partying last night, so they all ended up getting to up to a late start. Eventually Gabby (Sid’s Mom) showed up around 7:35 and we headed over to the Legion.
We started off by putting the linen’s on the tables and folding all of the napkins. We set up the centerpieces (which were three different-level martini glasses that we filled with water and floated candles in, I think it looked great) and then set all of the place settings. Then we started making the boutonnieres and the bouquet’s and such, which took a rather large amount of time.
I eventually left around 11:00 cause I had some wild running around to do. First I went to Media Play to pick up my paycheck and a CD that the Gabster wanted for the reception. Then I had to go to party city and get 15 white balloons with silver weights and a couple of packs of confetti to sprinkle on the tables. Then I had to run all the way over to Mighty Taco to buy two taco’s (Gabby wanted to play a little trick on them, I guess Will and Sid’s first date was at Mighty Taco, where they went to religiously after said date multiple times every month). Gabby wanted to have one of the caterers present the taco’s right when everyone was about to eat, which she did, and it was funny. Anyhoo, after that I ran home and changed, and then took off to Kristen’s house, since Steph, Jim, Kristen and I were supposed to meet there by 1:00 to leave by 5-after. I get to Kristen’s house around 1:00 and the first thing I notice was that Kristen’s car wasn’t there. I just figured she was running a bit late from picking Jim’s ass up. So I go inside to find out that Stephanie’s JUST taking a shower. I was like whaaaatttt?!?! Turns out that it took Christie (bridesmaid) way the hell too long to do Kristen’s hair and they ended up running violently late.
So now I’m wildly freaking out and shit, which is never fun. Kristen finally comes rollin’ in around 1:10 and gets outta the car and runs inside to get ready, all the while being in one of her fantastic bite-your-head-off-BITCH moods, another thing that’s always fun! So I go outside to put the balloons in Kristen’s car (seeing as to how we were all taking one car, the four of us) and the doors are locked. I was like “Dammit Kristen, I told you to keep them unlocked!” and she screams back at me with a “they ARE unlocked!”. Which clearly they were not. And the best part about it is that as I’m looking at the car I see her keys dangling from the ignition. WAY TO GO, Kristen! So I come in hoping to God that someone has some sort of spare key somewhere, which no one does. So I have to call triple A and get someone out there, and the best part about it is that as I’m on the phone, the guy says to be “It could be up to 1½ hours before we can get someone out there.” I almost shit my pants!! I was like “WOAH! I HAVE A WEDDING TO BE TO IN 45!!!!!!!!” and the guy’s like “Sorry, that’s the best that I can do.” Clearly this adds to my pissed-offed, freaked-outed-ness and I eventually just leave by myself cause I had to go to the Legion still with the confetti and the balloons before having to be at Sidonia’s house at 2:00 for the limo to pick us up. So I’m driving without being able to see anything on the account of the 15 view-blocking balloons that I have up in my George foreman, and what happens? SOMETHING runs out into the street on the 400 and I hit it. What the hell was that, I wonder. Turns out that it was a black cat, how lovely, I thought, a black cat was in the middle of crossing my path when I killed it. That had to be worse bad luck than just having a fucking black cat cross your path! AHhh! Well anyway, I wind up at the legion at like 1:50, and frantically run my ass around there putting balloons on tables and sprinkling confetti on the tables and attempting to explain the Mighty Taco ploy to the incoherently caterers.
After all that I run my ass out the doors and hop in the beast and take off to Sidonia’s. I show up and clearly Kristen and Stephanie somehow beat me there, which was kind of baffling to me (turns our lovely Triple A came…the second after I left, naturally.) So we go in and all have a shot and then Sid steps out and is, as I said before, just breathtakingly stunning in every way shape and form. We take a bunch of pictures and the H2 Hummer Limo eventually rolls it’s wide ass up to the house. We all pile out and hop in that mother and ride it to the church.
The ceremony was very nice, awkward, but very nice. The whole bridal party sat down during half of it, not in the pews, but up near the alter thing (I don’t even know if they consider it an alter). It was relatively quick, 45 minutes-ish, and then as everyone from the party was filing out, the priest grabs me and tells me he has a special job for me, which turns out to be me ringing the damned church bell for 10 minutes. Fun fun fun. So as I’m leaving, walking down the aisle waiting for everyone else to get their asses out of there, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and it turns out to be my date, Morgan! I then realize that I didn’t see her at all during the actually ceremony, and it turns out that she had a wildly horrid day!
When she left her house that afternoon to come to the wedding, she realized that she had no gas after she got off the Island (Grand Island). So she’s reaching for her wallet and then realizes that she left it at Stephanie’s house in south buffalo back on Friday. So she has to go back over the bridge and barrow $5 from her little sister, and she drives to the gas station and what does she do? LOCK her keys in her car! Luckily one of her friends was working there and he was able to open her door for her. But damn, the poor girl went through so much, and for all of that she didn’t even get to see the wedding! How wretched!.
But anyways, we all rode the H2 to the reception, and blah blah blah, nothing was too exciting until after dinner. We started to dance and such, which was nice, and we started to just have a rockin’ good time. The beer was flowin’ hardcore, and I was drinking it like woah. We eventually went out to the car and took a cup and filled it with Slivo, it being traditionally served at weddings by the case and all, and took it in and made everyone have a drink or two of it! We went through almost the whole bottle, which was excellent! Around 9:00 when everyone was pretty much gone, accept for the immediate families and the wedding party, was when we started to have real fun. We were all pretty drunk, and we just started dancing like fools! I remember wildly getting down with Gabby, like, raunchy like, down on the floor and everything! It was fucking hilarious! Oh, we had such a good time!
Then, when it came time to leave and we were saying our goodbye’s, I went up to Sidonia to say goodbye to her, and we eventually started to dance, and then she started to cry, which made me start to cry (cause she moved on Sunday, the day AFTER the wedding, down to North Carolina! I’m never going to see her again!) which made Stephanie and Morgan start to cry, and then Gabby came over and started to cry, It was just such a nice time!
The reception broke up around 10:00 or 10:30 or something, and wee, being Steph, Morg and I, went to the Buffalo Street Bar and Grill to grab a bite to eat and have another drink. We did, and then we all came back to my house and subsequently fell our asses to sleep like woah. We woke up and shit, and Steph went to church, Morgan left b\a little after, and I went my ass to s-l-e-e-p!
And that’s pretty much ALL I did ALL day yesterday, yes, that’s right, slept hardcore on my fucking birthday! Ha ha ha. Well, I was pissed off anyways, cause I wanted to go out and about in the great white north, but Dana all of a sudden had to waitress a dinner at her church, which is completely understandable, I’m not pissed of at you (I know you’re the only one left that reads this!) I’m just pissed off at the fact that I slept the day away and wasn’t able to go u there till late.
So what happened is that Sara and I decided to go to the casino since we both had been wanting to go there hardcore. So I drive to her sisters house in south buffalo, where s-bomb was located, and we eventually pile the two of ourselves into my car and take off, only to stop a minute later on account of having the fear of dying. My car started to make this wild grinding noise and shit, so we turned around and took her sisters brand new Focus, and we’re off. It takes us an extra 10 minutes to park our fucking car, and then once we get in we wonder around like kids in a candy store! It was so excellent! We ended up sitting at a slot machine each and playing through all of our money (I only lost $25) and Sara won $2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I WON $500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha, I actually didn’t, yet I told everyone I did yesterday, because I realized that I never did anything for April Fools day. Ha ha ha. I’m such a thinker sometimes, eh? Well, then we went to taco bell and eventually came home, where somehow I got hooked into watching freaking Waterworld, and then went to bed. And now I’m at school, and now I’m wildly done talking! I’m literally falling asleep here. Check ya laters alligators