The United Defence stealth tank

Jun 15, 2014 10:08

Ничего вменяемого про этот девайс не нашел.

На русском только то, что разработка Великобритании, невидим в радиолокационном диапазоне и в инфракрасной области спектра.

По английски я не говорю, а гугл-перевод не сильно помогает. Ничего путного я не выудил:

KPI, it's composite so the exierior is likely to be radar-transparent with any stealth features below, probably behind RAM.
The United Defence stealth tank, also using composite armor, looked like this.
United Defence are now owned by BAE Systems, as are the now defunct Vickers (/Alvis). The Brits own the companies that make half the main armored systems used by US forces: Paladin, M113, Bradley...


With tanks evolving to suit modern day conflicts, they’ve been the focus of speculation as to what role and changes they will have. Current “stealth tank” prototypes for British military and US Army have pointed out that the future lies in invisibility rather than invincibility as modern missiles can penetrate any tank’s defenses. This stealth technology-similar to the one used in stealth aircraft- makes it nearly invisible to enemy radar, by absorbing rather than reflecting radar beams. The British stealth tank prototype also has a low center of gravity, almost crawling on the ground to avoid detection.

Пост дополнен благодаря стараниям g0blin:
Из описания получается, что это пластиковый "вооруженная боевая машина" (armoured fighting vehicle - AFV), которую тестировала компания QinetiQ. Утверждают, машина весит всего 24 тонны и достигает 40 миль в час (60 км/ч) по пересечённой местности. Имеет сниженное потребление топлива, поэтому не требует дополнительных баков. Лучшая выживаемость за сёт меньшей видимости в радио- и ИК-диапазоне, сниженным риском попадания шрапнели внутрь девайса. Идеально для морских условий -- пластик не ржавеет. Прототип демонстрировался возле Уайтхола в Лондоне в районе 2004 года.
Our new plastic armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) has sailed through its battle tests and proved to have major advantages over conventional metallic armoured vehicles of a similar size.
The plastic tank at a glance:
*Weight: just 24 tons, four tons lighter than the similar metallic vehicle
*Top speed of 40mph over rugged terrain
*Decreased fuel consumption, reducing the need for supporting fuel tankers
*Increased survivability for the crew, through: reduced visibility to radar and infra-red scanners; reduced risk of shrapnel inside the hull; better protection against bullets, mortars and land-mines
*Ideal for use in salt-water conditions, as plastic is less susceptible to corrosion than metal.

Composite Armored Vehicle (CAV)
The Composite Armored Vehicle (CAV) ATD will demonstrate the feasibility of producing lighter weight ground combat vehicles manufactured from advanced composites. The CAV ATD will consist of an integrated demonstration of advanced composites and advanced lightweight armors on a C-130 air-deployable 22-ton vehicle emphasizing manufacturability, repairability, nondestructive testing, and structural integrity. The vehicle structure and armor will weigh at least 33 percent less than comparable steel or aluminum. CAV’s operational advantages will improve survivability through inherent signature reduction of composite materials on vehicle shaping, and improve agility and deployability by reducing structure and armor weight.
The Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Univeristy of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (CCM), and Tuskegee University have teamed to study variou aspects of compostite armor:

(1) The effects of fiber sizing, resin properties, stitching, tile adhesion, and elastomeric sublayer properties on ballistic and post-ballistic performance. (2) Thick-section processing analysis, including RTM flow, cure, and process-induced residual stress and warpage modeling. (3) Innovative cost-reducing processing techniques. (4) Repair (5) Cost analysis (6) Quality and process sensing and control
CAV supports Crusader EMD, FSCS, FCS Demonstrations, and FIV.

Великобритания, прототип

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