[FANFIC] The Abyss Of Love: Chapter One

Apr 07, 2011 03:02

Title: The Abyss Of Love
Rating: NC 15
Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu , Kimin + minor character
Genres: Romance, Drama, Action, Smut, Angst, Mpreg
Length: Chaptered
Summary: "The promise you make only make my heart feel hurt. You break our promise"
Warnings: This is BOYXBOY love. If you can’t take this, please back off. It’ s for your own safety too :3

“Su-ah ..wake up. It’s time for school or you will gonna be late if you don’t wake up right now” Jaejoong shooked his brother shoulder softly. Junsu blinked his eye to see his beloved hyung face

“Aww..hyung, Lets go together to school ne after breakfast.Come on hyung I don’t want to go alone. Today Eunhyuk didn’t come to school because he have fever. Please, hyung”. He give his cute puppy eyes towards his hyung. No one can resist his puppy eyes including Jaejoong. He pinched Junsu cheek.

“Alright, as your wish, my love brother Kim Junsu. Now take a bath first and who get the toilet first , the person will buy him an ice- cream”. Jaejoong get off from the bed fast but Junsu move faster than him and go to the toilet first

“I won hyung, don’t forget to buy me ice- cream. Eau kyang kyang”. Junsu laughed in the toilet.

“Jeez, he should control his squeked. It feel like I breed a big dolphin in this house”, Jaejoong ruffled his black hair and go to the kitchen to make a breakfast. On the way at the living room, he stop infront the his parent picture and stare it. Slowly , he take the picture and caressed his eomma and appa face softly.

Jaejoong pov

It’s been two years you two left us, but in my mind I still can’t forget our memory together a perfect family in this house. But what can we do, it is our fate. As your wish eomma. I have been take care of Junsu as well as you want. Even, we don’t have another family to help us, I promise I will give him the perfect life. I will worked hard and make you proud. I swear, eomma and you to appa”. Jaejong swear in himself just like when he swear infront his parents grave. He closed his eyes and started remember what he have through in his life. In the accident two years ago have take his parents life and almost take their life to. But, they’re lucky because they only get minor injury. After his parent died, all of his uncle and aunt didn’t want take care of them, They think they will just bring a lot of problem in their family and also can bring a bad influence at their child too. With the money that their parents left, Jaejoong use it for their necessities and raise his brother, Junsu by himself. He opened his eyes and put back the picture back to the placed. Today is a another new day.


He groaned harshly and felt something heavy on his chest while his leg numb.

“Oh god, I can’t breath. Who put an elephant on my chest? It suffocate me..Urghh to heavy”. He opened his blured eyes and stared what is it on his his chest.A hair?? A girl?? He shoved the girl away from his chest. No wonder he felt hardly to breathing. It because this girl and also her untidy hair.

The girl shouted “ Yah, don’t be rough to me, it hurt my butt you know and the pain of last night still there, alright!”.

“Shut up your mouth you fucking slut. I’m not deaf yet and my ear still function. Your voice can make my head dizzy, you know”. Yunho slapped Tiffany face hardly.

“How could you oppa? You say you love me and you also asking me to prove my love to you by give up my body to you. Please oppa, don’t make me like this. Love me back oppa. I will do anything to make you happy but don’t left me. I love you so much , oppa”. Tiffany hugged Yunho’s leg tight. She doesn’t want let him go. She bagging and begging at Yunho’s feet.

Yunho just kick her away and grab her hair roughly “Hey girl, you believe whatever I said last night? Such a fool girls. You same like all the girls that I have fuck before. Let me tell you something, I only use your warming deep hole to fulfill my lust. You understand, slut. Now before anything happen take all of your things ang get out from my house”. He throw away Tiffany to the floor. Tiffany sweep away his tears and stared at Yunho face.

“You’re heartless person I ever met. I swear your life will be miserable and never ever be happy with your family. You remember that Jung Yunho.” She picking up all her thing and runaway from that house. Yunho just look her running away through his bedroom window. He smirked and thingking why all of girls really believe what he saying. He looked at the big mirror in front him.

“Why my face always looks so naïve ?? That’s why all the girls fall in love with you. You’re really good how to break girls heart, Jung Yunho but who cares. You don’t need a girlfriend or a family to be happy. You have everything. Such a perfect guy ever.” He carresed his chin softly while his eyes glance at the clock on his desk.

“Shit, I’m late…dammit”. After taking a quick bath , he rushed go downstairs and grab his car key . He drive his car in high speed to the high school. He hope he still can make it on time. He didn’t even take a glance to the walkers outside.

There a beautiful guy stare at the car moving after the traffic light turns green.

Jaejoong pov

Gosh.. who drive that car must be nuts. He should be careful who know maybe he can hit someone in that speed. It really an expensive car. Isn’t it great if I can drive it. Hahah, stop dreaming Jaejoong, you only can drive it in your dream. I take a look at my watch. Oh no, I’m late.

End pov

“Yah hyung, stop dreaming when you ‘re walking. Hurry we already late. I don’t want to be punish with Mr. Kang…Aigoo.” Junsu started running left his hyung behind.

“Hey, wait for me.It’s your fault why we late. You take a long time in bathroom. What are you doing in there huh? He run along with Junsu beside him.

“Erk..of course I taking a bath ”, turn his face away. His face blushing right now.

At highschool

“Hey dude, you’re late you know. Is it because your busy fucking the girl that we found last night in the toilet when you take a bath to go to school huh?” His cousin , Changmin grinned showing his white teeth that can make all the girls faint.

“Kingka found a new slut? Aww..I bet this morning you must have broke her heart, don’t ya?ask his other one cousin, Yoochun. Yunho just smile and put his thumb up. It mean yes.

“You’re such a heartless person Yunho. Let see plus the girl last night you fucked it already become 2 girls you have been eat. Well, don’t worry to fulfill your passion there are lot of girls outside there for you to be eat up right. Better than last night. How about you make it 5. Let’s go clubbing tonight”. Yoochun raised his hand happily and put it on Yunho shoulder.

“Are crazy or what. I'm not that desperate at all. Come on let’s go to the class before it’s to late” Yunho take his back at backseat and walking together with his cousin to the class. Then he heard someone squeked. Three of them stop walking and take a look where the voice coming from. They see there are two guy panting infront the school gate.
“Uhh, we make it hyung…hyung??, Junsu truns back to see his hyung.

“I’m here Junsu-ah..huh.. I can’t take it anymore. I really tired right now. Junsu-ah piggyback me to my class”. He teasing his brother. He lay his body towards Junsu back.
“Yah, hyung, don’t want it. Your have your own leg, use it. I feel all my screw leg already pulled out.” He pushed away Jaejoong body. They laughed together.

“Alright..alright. Jeez this kid” Jaejoong stand for awhile too feel the wind breeze to his white pale skin.The wind blowing softly and the leave shattered away from the tree by the wind. On that time, their eyes meet together. They stare deeply. No one broke the stare. They feel that they looking each other for a long time.

“Hey, hurry up”. Yoochun take Yunho hands and running to the class. Yunho quickly broke the sight first and move with his cousin.

Jae pov

It really cold eyes I ever seen. Seem like his life is lifeless. Was he lonely?

The first chapter. I hope it not bad.Sorry if there have a mistake. I did’nt good in grammer.
Comment please :)

yoosu, smut, angst, yunjae, romance

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