Car VS. Glass 2: The Story

May 21, 2009 20:18

Okie Dokie.

So I get to the store last night and they're just getting finished boarding up the crashed in section.   Being that the store is temporarily closed, I get the low down from one of bosses, Steve, that's on site.   (My bosses are a pair of brothers that are business partners.)   He tells me that since Dave (the other brother) handled this last time, it was his turn to take care of business.   (I'll get to last time in a bit.)

Anyway, as it is explained to me, at about 2:30 in the afternoon, a little old lady was driving into the parking lot and got confused about which pedal was which.   Meaning that instead of taking her foot off of the gas and hitting the brake, she took her foot off the gas and hit the gas again.    So she comes into the parking lot and instead of breaking, she speeds up... and drives right into the building entrance way!

That's pretty much all she wrote.   No one was severely injured, though I'm told by the guy working at the time, John, that the one customer that was in the store got pinned to the counter by the garbage can that was on the other side of the wall the car crashed through.  Much profanity was expressed.

Thing get taken cared of.  All food in the front end of the store is now suspect, so all of it gets thrown away, and a couple of handyman type construction workers that the boss knows get called in and start clearing up the mess and boarding up the ruined sections, John helps as he has nothing else to do now but help clean up.  All in all three sections of glass with each section being about the size of double doors in any store you care to walk into.   I get there just when they're about getting finished.

And yes, this has happened before.   In my memory, about a year or so ago -Boss Steve says two years, but it doesn't seem that long ago- a similar accident happened at another one of their stores.   This would be the incident which Boss Dave took care of last time.    In this case, another little old lady (there seems to be a trend here) was leaving.   She was parked in front of the store and steps on the gas... crashing right into the front of the store!   I'm told in that case, she thought she was in reverse, not drive.

In both cases, we still had people driving up and asking if the establishment was still open.    We told them that we'll be open in the morning.   The other time they were open again after a couple of hours!  Hey, it's business as usual.


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