ZERO Destiny

Sep 27, 2007 03:24

Here is my contest winning drabble. ZERO Destiny, an explaintatin of how the ZERO Boys met:

Disclaimer: I don’t own LOVELESS, but the wonderful lady who does rocks my world!

ZERO Destiny

Written by:
Shus_songbook aka Lil Shu

Besides themselves, the two boys have only one person in their lives that they’re thankful for. Nagisa-sensei…

Before they became one, they had nothing. Stuff animals, toys, they were all fine and dandy, (fun things to destroy while they were bored), but what they craved was the attention of other humans beside their Nagisa. No one else would say more than two words to them. Natsuo’s green eyes were eerily like Youji’s purple ones, alluring, deep, and hungry. Nagisa wasn’t going to let them meet though until she was sure that the two of them would automatically give the other everything they had. There were others in the experiment. A boy, with silver hair, blue eyes, one of an older age, with long yellow hair, and slanted tangerine eyes. And lastly two girls, one with black hair and large purple eyes, and the other one with gray eyes and brown hair.

But the fear…the chill that the girl got every time she went to each separate living quarters, was unmistakable. She was trembling from the excitement that her experiment finally worked. That all the other one’s were completely worthless, but… the way that they look at you, no, no, they don’t look at you, they look right past you. It was as if you were the one who was worthless, what normal child at that age would look at you like that? A normal child wouldn’t tear up a stuff animal with their bare teeth, and wonder were the body parts were. Frightening children…

Finally, came the night that they were to meet, “Tonight, I have someone I’d like for you to meet” The blue haired girl extended her hand to the small burgundy haired boy. His green eyes peered at her, calculating, untrusting. Nagisa felt the goose bumps crawl up her skin suddenly stricken cold with the stare. It was like you were looking at a cold blooded killer. She wanted to jump for joy knowing this was one more piece of evidence that this experiment finally came out with positive results. And she wanted to run away as the boy took her hand finally. The other’s in the experiment were taken away, and disposed of, so the area was quiet as she lead the smaller boy to the quarters of his other half.

“Youji” She opened the door as the taller, thin, sky blue haired boy stood up staring intently at the two of them.
Quietly, his ears twitched, “Who’s that?” Nagisa gently shooed in the small catboy a grin spreading from ear to ear.
“This, dear Youji, is your Fighter Unit, Natsuo. Natsuo, this is your Sacrifice, Youji” She stepped back into the doorway reaching for the handle closing it. A couple minutes later a she stood outside the door, she heard loud scraping and meows. Tossing the door open her eyes grew seeing the scene. They were sitting besides each other with deep cuts on their bodies, wide blood thirsty grins on each face.
‘Perfect…Perfect Zero’


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