Blood Stained Music Sheets: Sheet 1; Intro to Joy

Jul 28, 2007 16:48

Woot! Here is Sheet 1 from my Gravitation fic! Here's the info!

Title: Blood Stained Music Sheets

Genre: Horror, Action

Rating: R (Mature!)

Summery : The boys of Bad Luck come back from their sucessful Western Tour, only to be found out by a schoolgirl fan that they are 'vampires...' And on the brink of a fight for one of their own.Please R&R

So, I had a wonderful idea that I think the Gravitation fans will love. I do not own anything Gravitation related, and if I did, I would not share^^. The only thing I do own is my own character, Allegra Pika (…^^ Allegra means joyful and merry, and Pika of course means sparkle, so in my translation it means Joyful Sparkle!). Also, Airlia Legíon, my lovely blonde and ditzy Dungeon and Dragons character, *hugs her* Super cute! Echo Location, another lovely D&D charac, and yes, I did name her Echo-Location, ^^ the last name was decided by a dice roll. Funny mm? And if you want to use them, please ask me, send me a e-mail at Other than that, I hope you have a good time reading my sweet story. My story takes place after the series, and after the OVA movies, the boys at Bad Luck, has reached a new height of population. Coming from their Western Tour, the boys are back home, of course where trouble has been awaiting.

Blood Stained Music Sheets
Sheet 1; Introduction to Joy
Written by: Summoner Hirelena

“I can’t believe that I’m really here!” It was a warm day, perfect for the newly arriving Spring Season.
Airlia was squealing next to me, the bright blonde hair shining in the bright warming noon sun. Grabbing her white school uniform blouse I was squealing right with her.
“I know! Though I kind of feel guilty cutting school like this” I giggled my body on end from excitement. The air was thick with the scent of flowers, and the street with filled with the sounds of a growing crowd on this exciting Tuesday
“Hey don’t you feel guilty about this! You were the one who wanted to leave more than me!” The girl was yanking at my black sleeve cuff pulling me down the streets of Walk of Philosophy towards the open area.

If there was more time, I know I would have enjoyed the pretty sights of the Cherry Blossoms. I was slightly envious of those who lived here all their lives and could see them every year. Since I was a foreign exchange student, this is the first time I could see these cotton candy trees. But…there was no time for me to be all depressed…
“Come on! The stage is up here!”
‘Geez, what was I thinking? Cutting school to come to a concert!’
“I hope Eiri shows up here! They’re so tight!”
Girls were screaming all around me as me and Air were making our way to the outskirts of the crowd. Her sparkling cloudy blue eyes which matched her green highlights turned to me a smile across her lips.
“Wow, it’s a school day, and I see so many of our class uniforms in the crowd! But I wouldn’t see why not, Bad Luck is so cool!” I tilted my head back the bell on the collar around my neck tinkling as I continued staring up into the blue sky which was cloudless, my heart suddenly rushing in my chest.
‘Bad Luck…here…’ The sudden realization of my situation hit me as the crowd began to cheer even louder the instrumental version of the newly famous song, ‘Spicy Marmalade’ playing in the background. That put me over the edge, I began to scream and cry out grabbing my friend shaking her.
“SHINDOU! OH MY GOD I GET TO SEE HIM!” We began to giggle as the crowd around us screamed louder, a green haired boy suddenly appeared making his way slowly on the stage. Peering closer I saw a pink plush poking out of the collar of his white shirt his arms tapping against the tone chest as the man grabbed a mic.
“Hi! Im Sakuma Ryuichi, and Im here to introduce you to my boyfriend the ever popular and my bestest friend, Shuichi, and his awesome band Bad Luck!!” Air began to squeal next to me as she held up a small sign she carried with her that read, ‘Ryu-san will you marry me’!
“I LOVE YOU RYUICHI!” She was hopping up and down like crazy trying to get his attention, she looked as silly as she acts, but hey she was happy. I watched her blonde hair flying everywhere getting caught in the sun, a perfect look for such a pretty girl. Sighing I shook my head the bell jingling, annoyed at the fact my heart sent pulses of jealously to my mind.
‘I shouldn’t be jealous. I mean just because she is here doing Herbology and healing…’ The noise of the crowd got dimmer and dimmer, as my mind began to slip into itself.
‘Shes pretty…and blonde…and me?…I’m just here because of my artistic skill-‘ Gasping I felt my friend toss her arms around me in a small tackle a giggle on her lips.
“Your man is coming out!” Suddenly I felt my cheeks pale as Ryu waved to the crowd skipping off his Kuragomo hand in his the plush flailing in the air. Than the crowd began to scream loudly the individual bodies jumping up and down like crazy as the small group of men walked onto the stage.
The green haired boy Suguru Fujisaki took his place behind the piano his head shaking at the antics of the red headed boy. Hiroshi Nakano was annoying Fujisaki by grinning and winking at all the girls who were screaming for him in the front row. He flashed his dark red hair taunting them as the music got lower, the crowd turning to a hush as the brightly clothed man took a mike. My cheeks blushed hotly as the breath in my throat got caught.
“HI! My name is Shindou Shuichi and this is Bad Luck! This is our first concert back from our Western Tour, and I hope you like our music!” Shuichi’s head tilted his messy pink hair falling into his beautiful blue purple eyes hidden behind it as his lips curled into a wide grin. The two boys nodded behind him prompting Fujisaki to tap his foot to start them off. Suddenly the stereo’s around the stage began blaring drums guitar and synthesizer as their famous song Blind Game Again filled the air.
“Blind Game again kanari kireteru Doll itsuma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase ” My arms suddenly was in the air as we began to cheer and dance around to the music. The crowd look like a rave, body against body on the heating day until every ones’ body was glistening with sweat.
“Zawameku kaze ni meguru raito(light) ga oto o tatete kioku tobasu kitto shiranu hazumonai yuwaku kokoro o midasu kimi no beis ja nani mo nokosezu yoru ga akeru mada mienu shuuchaku wa genkaku” Shuichi’s long yellow orange trench coat flashed in the bright sun as his eyes closed his body swaying with the music. Just watching him live, and right in front of me it was amazing. He was amazing…My mind began to lose focus and touched upon a memory locked deep within my heart. It went back to the day I got to see the concert where Bad Luck opened up for Nittle Grasper, Ryu’s band.
‘Air was going nuts watching Ryu dance in that white outfit that he had on today, and went nuts on how into his music he was. It was a true artist expressing himself purely through his craft…
Shindou…Look at you…-‘
“Blind Game again! Kanari kimeteru Doll todokanai yume naraitsu nugi sutero, Drastic Game a Game! Kanari kireteru Doll itsuma demo kawaranai yoru o buchikowase!” His mic’ed hand went up in the air the music finishing behind him. A perfect picture moment as the stage lights flashed excitedly behind Bad Luck. In my mind I could see that shot of Ryu that day, and him together, as one.

‘Shindou…You are just like him, reaching that stage of artistry’ The crowd went nuts, arms tossed up in the air as cheering was heard.
“Wow! You like me! You really like me, Hehe” The pink haired boy grinned rubbing his head in a childish manner. Suddenly the singer was pounced slightly his mic taken by Hiro as he grinned pointing out to the crowd.
“They love us man!”
“Yea yea! I know!” The singer grinned taking back the mic.
“You and your love complex’s that I have nothing to do with” Hiro sighed playfully winking at the pink haired boy. Shindou shot him a nervous grin and laugh as he turned back to the crowd.
“Come on lets cut the babbling short and get on with the music! What do you say! Any requests?” The crowd quickly and loudly began to agree, and cheer their specific song of choice. The pink haired singer smiled widely listening to the reactions and looking out at group.
“Well, if you guys don’t mind I would like to sing something that I don’t sing for every little concert…”
“Huh?” Everyone in the crowd tilted their head in confusion, scratching their hair. Shindou turned to his band for a moment than turned back to us a grin on his face. Suddenly there was a soft ballad song that came from the stages’ band.
“OH MY GOD!” I squealed loudly grabbing onto Airlia in the heat of the realization of the song.
“That’s…’In the Moonlight!’ Air! Its like the biggest seller!” I couldn’t help myself but stare; stare in awe at the man who stood before me singing. He never failed to fascinate me… The lights began to dance dramatically as Shuichi put the mic back on the stand and stood there listening to the opening his foot tapping gently.
“This song is very important to me everyone…About someone I deeply love, so please listen!”
“ORENJI iro tsuki yoru ga kuruto kimi no koto o omoi dasu
kakko tsuketa ore no SERIFU wa hoka no dare kano SERIFU de

fui ni miageru SHIRUETTO kimi no yokogao o terashita
awai hikari wa ima demo”

“Hey Al where are you going!” Suddenly I felt myself being pressed against warm bodies as my feet began moving on their own. Like…Like a mosquito to a flame my eyes locked onto my slowly nearing crushes face.

“Nani o matteru kimi wa inai heya
tokei dake ga ashi oto no youni nemurenai mune ni hibiku
ima mo matteru hitori tomatteru
futari mita anohi no tsuki o ima dokode kimi wa miteru”

My heart began to pound and thump against my chest like a panic attack as I continued to push my way through the huge crowd. Which by no means is an easy task for someone as petite as I was… My body was telling me I had to get to that stage…Just…had to go to be up there and see him…up close…

“Ore no shigusa manete waratta kimi no koe mo omoi dasu
kimi to aruku yoru no SHIIN wa ORENJI iro PHOTOGURAFU”

kage ni otoshita uso to ore no wagamama o yurushita
kimi no namida ga ima demo”

By the time he started to reach the second verse I successfully (with small bruises), pushed my way to the front of the barrier. But the barrier was not much, I could have reached out and touched the simple stage and I really wanted to…But touching the stage is not wanted I wanted to do, my cheeks flushed red as my eyes caught the purpleish eyes of the singer. My breath caught in my throat again, holding it in place, as if time stopped in itself. It was just him…and me…in our own world for just a microsecond…None of my senses felt anything, I was struck dumb to everything except him, the singer that became my muse.
Than it was gone.
Shindou smiled warmly at me, the moment gone his eyes sparkling like he saw his favorite thing. Than his attention turned back to the mic his mouth parting gently to continue singing, after the instrumental middle section. His legs gently pushed himself to animate his body in a very dreamy lazy mood.

“Nani mo iwazuni toki wa nagareru
yagate kuru asa no hisashi ni tokeru youni sora ni kieru
saigo no yoru wa doko ni mo nakute
okizari no ore no kokoro o tsuki dake ga ima mo miteru”

“Ow” I winced slightly letting go of the cord barrier that I was obviously clutching onto for dear life. Than as I was about to lower my hands I realized Shindou’s body was moving back across the stage slowly towards my side again. His eyes leisurely began to scan around the crowd and than fell upon mine again…by accident or on purpose I don’t know. But I froze once again as he continued to sing still staring at me, his hand slowly extended as he kneeled down slightly.
“kimi o matteru tooi omoi demo” I don’t know how, but my hand lifted on its own and reached out for the hand of the singer. And before I realized it our hands touched, his warm hand in mine as the musical lilt fluttered down. Suddenly it felt like something smashed on my chest and mind, the breath stolen away from me. Than everything quickly got cloudy, my body slowly began to shut down before my eyes, now growing darker and darker by the minute. Until…I lost all consciousness


“Look its all your fault for acting like Mr. Yuki and doing that move!”
“Hey you guys are going to wake her up! Come on keep it down!”
‘…I must be dreaming…those voices…sound so familiar…What happened?’ I thought feeling my eyelids squeeze shut more trying to sort out the voices. But what was strange was that I heard crying…no…more like, bawling?
“Hey look she’s alive”
“Eh? Really? See Hiro I didn’t kill her!”
“Aw come on you know I was just messin’ with you Shu”
‘Shu?’ My heart suddenly stopped as I began to sit up quickly my eyes shooting open.
“OW” “OW!”
Rubbing my forehead I murmured my apologizes while trying to nurse my newly found pain.
Than I slowly opened my green eyes and stared up into the bright purple eyes of Shindou Shuichi, who was also nursing his pain.
“Oh my god…I-I-t’s you…” I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he backed up slightly a apologetic smile on his face. He lost his orange trench coat and was now in his tummy hugger black top, and his cute black shorts.
And I mean, any girl would have her jaw dropping like mine if she saw this scene. He was just as handsome as the nights he visited me in my dreams…
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get so close…I just wanted to see if you were okay” Shindou said sitting crossed legged on the last cushion on the couch that we were both on. Sitting up straight I just couldn’t put forth a coherent sentence.
“…Shin…dou…Shuichi…Bad Luck…” Looking around slowly I was met by Hiroshi’s smile and wave, and Fujisaki picking up the moist towel they had on my forehead which fell. It slowly dawned on me that we were in a hotel room, probably their resting place before the concert.
“Well, it seems she’s stunned but fine” Hiroshi stepping behind Shindou resting his elbow on his shoulder in an intimately friendly way. My cheeks flushed as the reality of the situation began to sink in my mind.
“Well it seems she knows us, but who are you Ma’am?” The green haired keyboardist asked politely coming up beside the couch.
Nervously my hand found the bell around my neck as I murmured, “My name is Allegra Pika Mr. Suguru, Im a foreign exchange student…” The purple eyes of Shindou blinked as his head tilted slightly in a thoughtful gesture.
“Allegra? As in the musical term for joyful?” Hiroshi voiced what must be on the singer’s mind because he nodded in curious agreement. Nodding my now let down black hair shook around my head the bell around my neck softly tinkling. The boy beside me shook his head his voice coming out in an amused giggling tone.
“That’s a unique name Kitten, very exotic” Shindou grinned playfully running his fingers through his hair. I couldn’t help myself but smile back at him wrapping arms around myself.
“Are you okay Allegra? Are you cold?” The red head asked leaving the singer’s side stepping closer.
Giggling my heart skipped as I nodded at Hiroshi, “I always dreamed of hearing Mr. Shindou call me Kitten, or even Allegra…And being here wit-“ Blushing I covered my mouth bowing my head.
‘Shoot, I just had to open my big mouth!’
Groaning I fell to my left resting against the couch in a failing attempt to hide.
“You guys probably think I’m just a weirdo now…Geez I made a fool in front of BAD LUCK, BAD LUCK!-” Suddenly there was a warm sensation on my lips pressing them shut. The singer, to my outright excitement, placed his first finger on my lips silencing me.
“Relax...Just call me Shuichi, and Im glad I can fulfill someone’s wish” Than with an annoyed sigh he sat back down crossing his arms over his barely covered chest.
‘H-H-He touched me…Shin-er Shuichi…touched me’ My cheeks grew hotter as I just sat there stunned putting my fingers to my lips as he continued to talk.
“Some people are easy to please…and just some-GRR!” Hiroshi gave him a lopsided grin as he patted the pink boy’s head.
“You can just call us by our first name’s Allegra, and don’t mind him, hes just having sex problems”
“Mou! Hiro do you have to tell the whole world!” Wailed the singer tears coming to his wide beautiful childish eyes. Smiling gently I sat back up smiling at the pair as they shot playful insults at each other.
“Please, don’t argue she doesn’t need this after her fainting!” Fujisaki pleaded putting his hands up slightly in a appealing move.
“Wait a minute! I fainted?” The three boys blinked at each other than nodded to conform my question. Reaching up I played with my hair my eyes narrowing as I began to search my memory.
“You reached up to touch Shindou’s hand-“ Fujisaki began.
“And when you did, that’s when you went out” Hiro finished with a confirming nod.
“I don’t remember passing out…All I remember is something in me, a force, telling me to get close to you Shu-“Letting out a soft breath I bowed my head a sudden feeling of stupidity coming over me.
‘God, I get to meet Bad Luck, and what do I do? Hurt my muse, say I get ‘feelings’, and dream of Shuichi calling me Kitten…Im such a dork!’ The air suddenly grew quiet, which gave it an eerily serious feeling.

As the silence festered my suspicion grew that they were just laughing at me on the inside, just amused at my rambling. Suddenly I felt something pressed on my head gently in a comforting manner. Lifting my head as the bell tinkled quietly I looked very curiously up at Hiro’s red smiling eyes.
“Come on, I’ll take you home. Im sure there are people waiting for you, and I wouldn’t feel right letting a pretty girl walk in the dark to the train”
“Really? Wow, Hiro from Bad Luck is walking me home!” I giggled almost not believing my good luck.
“No one will believe me when I tell them but who cares!” Shuichi began to stand up scratching his hair as he piped up.
“I wanna go too!” My green eyes went wide as he turned a grin on his face.
“Shu you know you got to do a lot of recording tomorrow-“
“AW COME ON HIRO!” He whined jumping over clutching onto the guitarist arm his eye going big and wet.
Hiro bopped Shuichi playfully a grin on his face, “Aw quit the water works, fine you can come!”
“Hiro your always way too lenient with him…” Fujisaki sighed shaking his head than yawned putting his hand to his mouth. Shuichi grinned letting go of Hiro’s arm than began to skip to a door on the side of the room.
“Now, don’t any one come in here, Im getting changed. And I don’t want anyone else but Yuki to see me like that!” And with that and a sparkly bat of his beautiful eyes, the door was closed and you could hear quiet rustling on the other side. Hiro rolled his eyes with a wide smile on his face his hand in his hair.
“If I don’t give him what he wants than he pouts like crazy, you know that” Tossing my legs over the side of the couch I smoothed down the black skirt listening to the idle chat, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Alright than, Ill head home, you three take care and Ill see you tomorrow” Fujisaki bowed to me a smile on his face.
“Nice to meet you Miss Pika, I wish you goodnight”
“Thank you…and goodnight Fujisaki…” With a small wave to Hiro he turned and walked across the room to where Shuichi was getting dressed turning the knob quickly tossing the door open.
“HEY! WHO DID THAT!” Hiro and I blinked watching the naughty grinning Fujisaki race out of the room.
‘I thought Fujisaki was the good one…?’
“Oh stop complaining Shuichi, your already dressed and to my own bad luck I already saw you naked a few times. Plus Im sure Mr. Yuki wont care” Shuichi came out in a large orange jacket, a pair of tan knee high khaki’s on his legs. He sighed a smile on his face as he tapped the floor getting his shoes on.
“Come on, I promised Yuki I would be home to cook dinner”
Getting up I murmured quietly head bowed, “You can go home to him Shuichi…Ill be fine”
‘Wow was that a bold face lie if I ever heard myself say…’ I didn’t want him to go, who would? I mean after meeting your idol, getting on a first name basis, and than allowing him to leave to his lover…? Why must the world be so mean?!
“Don’t worry about it, Im sure Yuki will understand” Shuichi happily replied with a smile to me standing back up straight.
“Your escorts are ready Lady Kitten” As Hiro and I went to the door to meet up with Shuichi to walk out I couldn’t help but laugh.
“This is totally the greatest day of my life, thanks guys”


I found out that the hotel we were at before was kind of close to the bullet train that lead us to the city where their real recording studio was. So we ended up walking down the dimly lit streets, on a beautiful warm clear night. And since it was a nice warm night the two boys decided that they deserved to buy a sno-cone, and popped for mine too. We got on the train (after they of course put on sun glasses for disguise) and got settled down for the trip to Tokyo, Shuichi on my left, and Hiro on my right. With a groan the loud sound of the bullet train filling my ears letting us know that we were on our way home.
“Mmm…Its been forever since I ate one of these…” Shuichi sighed happily putting another small spoonful of the strawberry flavored ice in his mouth. Hiro tilted his head drinking the last concentrated syrup liquid he had in the cup a flush coming to his cheeks.
“Yea I know, I remember us always eating these things during school…Especially after we tried to make it at an amateur night place” Putting the small spoon of sky blue ice in my mouth I smiled listening to them.
‘…This is nice. Kinda like hanging out with old friends…I wish Air was here’ The train stopped with a jolt, the conductor announcing our arrival at the biggest city in Japan. The loud crowds bustled out along with us as we made it to the train station unnoticed and safe from their fans. Quickly making our ways outside the station into the lit up lights of Tokyo, we made our way down the quiet street that lead to Tokyo U dorms.
“I wish we could do this more often. I hate for this night to end” They turned to me blinking at the surprisingly serious tone in my voice.
“Aw come on. Its not like we’re unreachable” Hiro said draping his arm across my shoulders pulling me closer. I blushed deeply as he began to noogy me between my small buns laughing at the way I was wiggling away.
“Hey Hiro let her go!”
Pushing myself away I cried out, “But Shuichi is! I might never have a chance to be this to him again-n!!-” Suddenly my breath was stolen from me as something hard wrapped around my waist. Cold icy wind was pushed through my hair and cut through my clothes as I saw the ground get smaller than larger as I moved away from Hiro and Shuichi…through the air?
Struggling I began to claw at the thing that was roughly holding me.
“HEY QUIT THAT” Blinking I looked up staring into the glaring gold eyes of a blonde girl who looked older than me. Her grip on me was chocking out my breath as I struggled to release myself landing back away from my help.

Author Notes:
^^ I hope you liked my first chapter! I did! God and Goddess how much did I want to start this fic? Even my boyfriend is tired of me talking about it , hehe. Took me a bit because it clashed with my Final week and prefinal time (aka the week before finals). Darn finals, I couldn’t help myself but play with this fic the whole study week ^^, I love my idea, and for some reason I have a feeling all the fans of Grav will love it too! Although the first chap didn’t have much action in it, the next one will be lots more cooler, and girls be prepared for the Universal Fangirl Drool session, so please grab your drool buckets^^, youll need it. Num.
For any comments, praise, flame talk to me at, I request though you put “Bloody Music Sheets” in the subject line please, else I wont open it up. You understand *hugs her laptop* I love Navi 2.0, and wont have it sick.
Leave me a comment on, or just smile, anything to make my audience happy!

Geche biru cha ki po (Molto Ai e ja ne- Much Love and See you later, in my language Yusubume)

gravitation, vampire

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