Scapegoat Chapter 3!

Mar 17, 2008 18:16

Woot so, this is my 3rd Chapter to the surprisingly popular fic, Scapegoat As always please read and review!

Title: Scapgoat
Chapter: 3
Author: shus_lryics
Charcs: Suguru Fujisaki
Rating: Pg 13ish
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation, Ill return all charc's back to Maki Murakami, a little ruffled and loved.

Disclaimer: I don't own that delicious series, "Gravitation", the super cute Maki Murakami does. But I do own Shui, Liang, and Xiao Chen. Please let me know if you want to use em, I'd gladly let ya! Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to the sweet people who reviewed my story. Thank you all, you gave me my muse back! She was sort of kidnapped by playful little fey. Just to let everyone know, I'm writing another "Gravitation" fic, 'Blood Stained Music Sheets', just in case someone needs a shot of vampire smut. So now onward to the next installment of 'Scapegoat'.

Chapter 3
Written by:


The 'Little Prince' blinked at the back of Shui's head. He couldn't believe what he just heard. These crazy men, these kidnappers, did not want money from his rich relative? How could that be? Fujisaki blinked his brown eyes trying to ignore the small pounding returning to his head.

"" Of course they didn't answer. The pianist wiggled his wrists trying to see how loose the binds were and pondering his plight at hand. These men were obviously crazy. He wasn't there all the time with Seguchi when he made his deals but he was sure he would have heard something about these guys. When people who are asked to leave N-G Records, or those who are rejected leave the studios, they usually leave angry. And it isn't that long until everyone in the building knows who they are and the reason. So it would make sense that the little cousin would have heard something.

The loud annoying theme song of the new anime was like a razor cutting into his brain. Hitting his head on the floor wasn't the smartest thing the boy did. All he had to do was keep these guys talking though...maybe something that they say can help him figure out how to get out.

Fujisaki bit his lip slightly trying to word this correctly. "So, what does Seguchi-san owe you...Xiao Chen was it?" Might as well go for the weakest one out of the three; Xiao Chen nervously pushed back his hair trying to ignore the boy trapped on the chair. The smallest out of the three tilted his head to his partner looking annoyed as Xiao Chen reached for a cigarette and lit it. Liang's wirily arm stuck out suddenly grabbing the newly lit cigarette from the mouth and snuffed it out.

"The Prince asked you something stupid. We must keep him happy else he might run away" The long haired kidnapper looked over to the leader of the three his eyes glimmering with confusion.

"I thought we weren't supposed to say anything to him..."

Shui put a can of beer up to his lips lazily, "Well Liang is right, the Lil' Prince did ask..." And with that it looked like Fujisaki won, allowing a small sense of victory to course through his veins.

"That snot Seguchi...He took away our chance to be big in the music industry! All we wanted was a chance, a-"

Their leader barked, "That's enough Xiao Chen" The pianist stared blankly at the three slowly taking in the information. This was extremely strange that he didn't recognize the three of them; a Chinese band in a Japanese company would have stood out enough for Fujisaki to hear of it. Whatever the reason for their rejection by Seguchi (and there were many), caused such an upset that these guys went to extreme measures to get him back. Xiao Chen huffed loudly as he leaned back in his chair to focus on the television. Obviously the boy wasn't going to get any more information out of the three of them. As soon as their leader spoke, they jumped, that was good to know.

Suddenly Fujisaki's body jerked in his seat as silence fell upon the room. Shui stood up stretching in front of the black television screen which was just shut off.


"Its time for sleep, the Little Prince is probably tired from his long day of working. Staying later than everyone else does that to you" The small boy narrowed his brown eyes. He hated this guy already. He knew every little button to push, everything that could get a reaction of him.

Shui grinned widely shaking the now empty can of beer. "Hey don't look at me like that. I understand how you feel. Being the brains of the operation is a lonely job" His lean body moved in front of Fujsaki's view reaching out to pat him gently on the head.

"But don't worry; with you gone they won't be able to last for very long. Your bastard of a relative will never let something bad happen to his precious prodigy, Bad Luck's glue. Ah, I can taste the success...Anyway, sweet dreams Little Prince. I'm sure tomorrow will be just as excit-"

"Wait, you expect me to sleep in a chair?!" Fujisaki winced squeezing his dark yes shut. Snapping like that made the invisible hammers hit harder. Liang laughed from his place by the hallway entrance hand on his head.

"This kid is amazing. He gets kidnapped, and expects to be allowed to sleep in a bed like a normal person." Their leader turned his head quickly pulling out the gun he had earlier on the other two.

"If I had enough rope I would tie both of you down for that comment" Liang and Xiao Chen fell quiet stiffening up. Fujisaki could feel his breath slowly let out as Shui turned back to him. This man, although was his kidnapper, and the mastermind, was obviously trying his hardest to be considerate to the boy.

"It is a pity I couldn't give you a proper bed, but you understand don't you? If I let you sleep in a normal bed than I run the risk of letting you escape. So!" He clapped his hands happily looking at Liang.

"You'll sit watch tonight. Make sure the Little Prince get's what he wants" The smallest kidnapper looked agitated but nodded silently. And with a wave Xiao Chen and Shui disappeared in the hallways. The pianist bowed his eyes avoiding the cursing man. With his shield gone Fujisaki had no idea what was going to happen to him. Who knew if they secretly had it planned out that Liang was to kill him in the middle of the night? Who knew if he was some filthy sexual predator? He found himself slowly heaving, fear racking through his body.

Liang groaned planting himself on the chair in front of the television. "You might as well get comfortable Suguru. You're going to be with us for a while"
Touma rolled over in his bed annoyed at hearing his phone go off so late at night. The one night he could get a decent amount of sleep he got...

Mika growled pulling the sheets over her head. "Shut that up Touma" The blonde sat up in bed and snatched the phone from the bedside table.
"What is it?" He managed to say behind gritted teeth.

"Taichou!" Touma stifled an annoyed sigh as Sakano whimpered over the phone.
Running his fingers through his platinum hair he replied, "Sakano-san, what is it?"

"Is Suguru-san with you Taichou?" N.G Record's President suddenly felt his body heat up. This wasn't normal; Suguru almost never rode with him. And he never did something out of the ordinary without letting others know.

"No. He's not. Now what is the meaning to this call?" There was steel to his voice, now letting his anger slip.

Sakano than began to stutter, "U-u-h n-n-othings wrong Taichou! It's just, his mother just called. He hasn't been home yet"

"What!" The President hissed, feeling himself tense up. "Where's K?! What happened?" Mika blinked her dark eyes at her husband. It was obvious with Touma's reaction that something bad just happened.

"He was busy putting the equipment away, and the copies of the recordings...It must be all my fault! Suguru-san told me he was okay to go to his car alone, so I foolishly listened and went to help K!" The Producer was on the verge of tears as he explained what happened.

"Oh Taichou! I never got to see who took our precious Suguru! I'm afraid he must have been kidnapped!" Touma bit his flushed lower lip trying to get a grasp of what was going on.

He suddenly threw off the blankets and reached for clothes, "Kidnapped...What a time for this to happen..."

"Call the police Sakano, I'll meet you at there" And with that he hung up.
Mika sat up pulling the sheets over her chest, "Touma, what's going on?"
"Suguru. He was kidnapped..."

chapter 3, fanfiction, scapegoat

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